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Suspended Passive Losses

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    Suspended Passive Losses

    Where in the Federal 1040 do I put the Suspended Passive Losses after the sale of a rental property? Line 17?

    Flow to Schedule E

    Schedule E. Are you doing this without computer software?


      Why are there two posts for the same topic?


        Suspended Passive Losses

        Yes because I am amending a return and cannot override certain lines on the 8582. Thanks for your answer.


          Entering passive loss carryover amounts

          Originally posted by S&D Associates View Post
          Yes because I am amending a return and cannot override certain lines on the 8582. Thanks for your answer.
          Are you asking a tax question or a tax software question??

          Generally speaking, you should avoid overriding any calculated value. Instead, go find where that value came from. In the case of prior year passive losses, there is normally something like a worksheet where you ENTER the prior year numbers, and the 8582 then gets calculated without overrides. If a "new" return, there is usually an entry line where the software prompts you to "enter the unused passive loss carryover" from prior years.

          Just avoid overrides, especially of calculated amounts, and try a right mouse click every now and then. . .



            In my software, the suspended losses for prior years are at the bottom of Sche E input screen. Even if there are no entries on Sche E for this year, the PAL's could still be input and should flow through to 8582.

