I have a 27 year old single client with no dependents who graduated from graduate school in May, 2016. She is not a dependent on anyone else's return and has filed on her own for several years now. During January to May, she was a full time student and worked part time as a waitress. She averaged $1,800 a month in earnings during that time (tips).
In 2015 she made $27,000 and claims early in 2016, when she looked into Obama Care, she could not afford it. She claims her premium was being calculated on her $27,000 from 2015, and not her current earnings, which were less. She opted to buy "non-qualified" insurance for January through May.
After graduation in mid May, 2016 she started her career and made $3,400/month. For some reason she was not covered by her employer's health insurance until July, and was covered until the end of the year. (Per 1095-B)
Does she really owe the penalty for January - May while she was a full time student, working part time, making what would have averaged out to be $21,800 / year.
Total Income in 2016:
January to mid May - $10,000
mid May to December - $20,000
Total 2016 Income - $30,000
In 2015 she made $27,000 and claims early in 2016, when she looked into Obama Care, she could not afford it. She claims her premium was being calculated on her $27,000 from 2015, and not her current earnings, which were less. She opted to buy "non-qualified" insurance for January through May.
After graduation in mid May, 2016 she started her career and made $3,400/month. For some reason she was not covered by her employer's health insurance until July, and was covered until the end of the year. (Per 1095-B)
Does she really owe the penalty for January - May while she was a full time student, working part time, making what would have averaged out to be $21,800 / year.
Total Income in 2016:
January to mid May - $10,000
mid May to December - $20,000
Total 2016 Income - $30,000