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    When dependent's unearned income is above filing requirement. The options are: file by himself or add to the parent's return. What if the child's father died and mother in not in his life, but alive. Court appointed an aunt as his guardian. Aunt is going to claim the child as her dependent. Do we need to add the child's unearned income to his aunt's tax return?

    Didn't we already discuss this?

    Primary Forum for posting questions regarding tax issues. Message Board participants can then respond to your questions. You can also respond to questions posted by others. Please use the Contact Us link above for customer support questions.

    Only interest and dividends under $10,000-ish can be added to a parent's return. Other unearned income does not qualify, and non-parents do not qualify.

    Assuming this is the same person as your last post, the child needs to file his own tax return and uses the mom's information. Your last post said she never worked, but you are not positive of that, the child/aunt needs to contact the IRS for the mom's tax information. See Publication 929:

    Parent's return information not available. If a child can’t get the required information about his or her parent's tax return, the child (or the child's legal representative) can request the necessary information from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

    How to request. After the end of the tax year, send a signed, written request for the information to the Internal Revenue Service Center where the parent's return will be filed. (The IRS can’t process a request received before the end of the tax year.)

