I was reading the NATP Tax Pro Monthly publication, Issue 12, December 2016. There is a year end wrap up article. On page 9 it is discussing some of the deductions and credits. There is a paragraph about the AOTC and form 1098T. It states "NEW: Retroactive claiming of the AOTC will not be allowed. Therefore, if you are not going to have the tax return filed by April 18, 2017, file an extension." Are they saying that amended returns filed to claim the AOTC will not be accepted? On page 10 it states that no retroactive claims will be accepted for EIC, CTC, and AOTC.
I have tried to find this on the IRS site looking in draft forms etc. I cannot find this mentioned anywhere. Does anyone have any other info on this?
I have tried to find this on the IRS site looking in draft forms etc. I cannot find this mentioned anywhere. Does anyone have any other info on this?