I need assistance in calculating the interest on a Home Improvement Loan - I have used CFS Tax Tools various modules and I can not arrive at the scheduled interest and principal that has been provided (This is that HERO Loan in California where they assess the annual loan repayment through the Annual Property Tax Bill which is fiscal year July 1 through June 30) paid in two installments. First due date is 11/1/2015 delinquent by 12/10/2015 - Second due date is 2/1/2016 delinquent 4/10/2016
Financed amount = $ 26,000
Interest Rate = 8.2%
Term 10 years
Total Payment = 4,488.40 plus an Annual Adminstrative Fee of $ 35 = total $ 4,523.40
Orig application date 7/24/2014 - Funding Date 11/12/2014
Annual Payment commencing 12/10/2015
First Year Interest $ 2,447.51 - Princ - $ 2,040.89
Would someone please provide me a formula/calculation on how they arrived at the Interest and Princ for the 1st year payment
Financed amount = $ 26,000
Interest Rate = 8.2%
Term 10 years
Total Payment = 4,488.40 plus an Annual Adminstrative Fee of $ 35 = total $ 4,523.40
Orig application date 7/24/2014 - Funding Date 11/12/2014
Annual Payment commencing 12/10/2015
First Year Interest $ 2,447.51 - Princ - $ 2,040.89
Would someone please provide me a formula/calculation on how they arrived at the Interest and Princ for the 1st year payment