We have had some complaints about the number of links being posted on our message board, which has alerted us to a potential problem. Over the years we have posted rules for our message board, which include the usual do not insult others, no political arguments, no posting links to inappropriate websites, etc…
The last one about not posting links to inappropriate websites perhaps needs some clarification. We would prefer that no links be posted to other websites. TheTaxBook message board is hosted by us as a service to OUR customers. We are a for-profit private business, in the business of selling books to you, the public. We publish books on how to prepare tax returns. That means posting a link to another website hosted by a business that could be our competitor is an inappropriate link.
In the future, we ask that you refrain from answering questions by telling people to see a link. We do not have the time to investigate each link posted to determine whether or not it is a link that potentially could promote the business of a competitor. Please answer the question instead of telling someone to see a link. You can reference the page number to an IRS publication, code section, revenue ruling, etc., as the source of your answer if you feel the need to provide additional reading for the person asking the question. Telling someone to see information posted on our competitor’s website is not appropriate.
I thank everyone for taking the time to answer questions and hope everyone will respect our wishes concerning this matter.
The last one about not posting links to inappropriate websites perhaps needs some clarification. We would prefer that no links be posted to other websites. TheTaxBook message board is hosted by us as a service to OUR customers. We are a for-profit private business, in the business of selling books to you, the public. We publish books on how to prepare tax returns. That means posting a link to another website hosted by a business that could be our competitor is an inappropriate link.
In the future, we ask that you refrain from answering questions by telling people to see a link. We do not have the time to investigate each link posted to determine whether or not it is a link that potentially could promote the business of a competitor. Please answer the question instead of telling someone to see a link. You can reference the page number to an IRS publication, code section, revenue ruling, etc., as the source of your answer if you feel the need to provide additional reading for the person asking the question. Telling someone to see information posted on our competitor’s website is not appropriate.
I thank everyone for taking the time to answer questions and hope everyone will respect our wishes concerning this matter.