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Charity how to handle

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    Charity how to handle

    Client bought $550 worth of items and immediatley gave them to a 501 (c) (3). I have always deducted this kind of gift as cash, not property. The acknowledgement letter he got, does not have a dollar value. I looked it up and the aknowledgement for a property gift does not require an amount but a cash gift does. I probably will put this gfit on Form 8283. Any contrary thoughts? Should all gifts of items bought for the purpose of a donation be treated as property or have I been doing it correctly as cash?

    Some suggestions

    As you know form 8283 is for all non cash gifts over $500.
    Last edited by Brad Imsdahl; 09-16-2015, 12:44 PM.
    Always cite your source for support to defend your opinion


      Donated property is cash gift ? ?

      Originally posted by Kram BergGold View Post
      Client bought $550 worth of items and immediatley gave them to a 501 (c) (3). I have always deducted this kind of gift as cash, not property. . .
      I would personally have a difficult time supporting this position. . .



        In addition

        See Schedule A line 17
        Always cite your source for support to defend your opinion



          There seems to be agreement to deduct as property. That is cool. Either someone convinced me that when you buy something to donate you treat as cash or I made this up. Thanks


            I show it as new on the 8283 and take the total cost.
            Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


              I agree with the property idea since it is property you are giving and not the actual cash for them to spend as they see fit. I think a long time ago there was an either or until the rules got tighten up. Just My thought.

