Client has a 1098T that shows 1902.10 for tuition and qualified expsenses. (This does not include a required computer, software, books, etc) that was paid for by the client herself). She also took a college course while still in high school that was pd for by client. In box 5 the amount of scholarships is 3757.50. A portion of the scholarship funds was used for room and board. The college she attended paid for 1/2 of the room $(537.50) and board ($637.50) and the BIA (Cherokees) covered the other 1/2 of the room and board. Everything I have read during my research says that room and board paid by scholarship must be counted as income. Am I correct? If I am correct, I believe that this must be included on line 7. If I could get some input, I'd appreciate it very much. I just want the return to be right! Thanks for your help in advance! I appreciate it so much!