I'm looking for a little clarification here on the dependant care credit. The Taxbook(which I love) states that expenses for schooling for 1st grade and above don't qualify, which infers that kindergarten expenses would qualify. But, IRS Pub 503 (2005) state the following:
Education. Expenses for a child in nursery school, pre-school, or similar programs for children below the level of kindergarten are expenses for care.
Expenses to attend kindergarten or a higher grade are not expenses for care. Do not use these expenses to figure your credit.
Do anyone have any insight for this issue. The IRS pub is from 2005, so has the rule changed.
Education. Expenses for a child in nursery school, pre-school, or similar programs for children below the level of kindergarten are expenses for care.
Expenses to attend kindergarten or a higher grade are not expenses for care. Do not use these expenses to figure your credit.
Do anyone have any insight for this issue. The IRS pub is from 2005, so has the rule changed.