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    E A that all that's out of the way, I feel it my duty to relate to my esteemed colleagues the contents of this letter I got last month from one Cono R. Namorato, Director--Office of Professional Responsibility (DOPeR for short). To wit:

    "Department of the Treasury
    Internal Revenue Service
    Washington, D. C. 20224

    Dear Applicant:

    We are pleased to inform you that we have approved your application for enrollment to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Your enrollment card is enclosed. Please use the four digit prefix...etc., etc., etc."

    Gosh, they'll let just about anybody in that outfit, won't they? Anyhow, now I've gotta struggle with "Groucho Marx" Syndrome (he famously remarked "I wouldn't want to join any club that would be willing to have me as a member"). to get recognition?




      Good Work!!!

      Black Bart

      Congratulations on your achievement!!!

      I hope you'll join NAEA asap. NAEA gives a 50% discount on first year dues to newly minted EAs. If you have any questions, you can email me at or go to the NAEA website at

      Frank Degen,EA,USTCP
      NAEA Immediate Past President


        Congratulations BB ! Now that you are recognized as a professional you will be unqualified for any other type work.



          Congradulations my friend on your new level of achievement! You deserve it.


            Congrats. Glad you made it. It's a nice feather in your cap. Now go have some macaroni salad. )

            As for the NAEA, make up your own mind. I joined and was excited to participate but after 9 months of being an NAEA member the state organization made it perfectly clear I wasn't a member until they said I was a member. I finally quit after never recieving an invitation to a seminar before the scheduled event actually took place. It became a joke that I'd get the invitation a week afterwards. I knew an old time member and she confirmed she had received the same treatment and dropped out YEARS prior. Give it a shot, maybe your state is better.


              Originally posted by Roberts
              Congrats. Glad you made it. It's a nice feather in your cap. Now go have some macaroni salad. )

              As for the NAEA, make up your own mind. I joined and was excited to participate but after 9 months of being an NAEA member the state organization made it perfectly clear I wasn't a member until they said I was a member. I finally quit after never recieving an invitation to a seminar before the scheduled event actually took place. It became a joke that I'd get the invitation a week afterwards. I knew an old time member and she confirmed she had received the same treatment and dropped out YEARS prior. Give it a shot, maybe your state is better.
              I am an NAEA member, but I, too, have a bone to pick with my state society. I am compelled to pay the dues, but there is no chapter within reasonable reach of my location, nor are there any activities nearby. I have been contacted once by the state society - this was prompted by a call from Frank Degan, who noticed my complaints on the NAEA webboard. The e-mail I received from the state society president explained virtually nothing and questions from me have been completely ignored. Were it not for the NAEA webboard - a benefit worth the price of admission - I would drop NAEA like a bad habit. Ultimately, the requirement to pay state dues for zero benefit may drive me out anyway.

              Anyway, Blackie, congratulations.


                Originally posted by Black Bart
       that all that's out of the way, I feel it my duty to relate to my esteemed colleagues the contents of this letter I got last month from one Cono R. Namorato, Director--Office of Professional Responsibility (DOPeR for short). To wit:

                "Department of the Treasury
                Internal Revenue Service
                Washington, D. C. 20224

                Dear Applicant:

                We are pleased to inform you that we have approved your application for enrollment to practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Your enrollment card is enclosed. Please use the four digit prefix...etc., etc., etc."

                Gosh, they'll let just about anybody in that outfit, won't they? Anyhow, now I've gotta struggle with "Groucho Marx" Syndrome (he famously remarked "I wouldn't want to join any club that would be willing to have me as a member").

       to get recognition?
                Congratulations Mr. Bart!

                Does this mean we have to start treating you with respect?

                Represent your profession well. I know you will.


                  Congrats-B B

                  If you want a good organization, try NATP. You are not required to join any state organization. State organization still will send you info on seminars they hold even if
                  not a member.
                  NATP has a great website where you can locate members in other states, or international if you have a state or foreign tax problem.
                  They send out a weekly E-Mail update on what is happening in Congress & the IRS.


                    Congratulations BB.

                    If I were you, I would join NAEA and NATP. Why? Because that's what I did. So if I were you, I'd do the same as me.

                    Does that make any sense?


                      Congrts Black Bart!

                      Not sure which association to join just ask youself:
                      (What Would Bees Knees Do?)



                        Congradulations BB.

                        I joined the NAEA for one year, and felt I didn't get my monies-worth. Only the local group had any activities, and to attend them you had to join the National and State. A lot of money for few benefits.



                          EA EXAM and new format

                          I've taken the test two times over the years - always have a tough time with part two and three. I only do individuals and became discouraged. Just received online info re the new system with Thomson Prometric. They are making it a 3 part test taken at particular locations around the country online.

                          The announcement IR 2006-92 addressed the issue of "transition carryover restrictions" This is what it said: " To carry over scores from the IRS format to the Thomson Prometric format, candidates must meet prior minimum retention rules for carryover. Specifically, candidates must have been notified by IRS that they could carry over scores for the parts passed. Candidates applying carryover scores from previous IRS format to the Thomson Prometric format may only do so through December 2007. Thus, individuals who passed parts of the 2003, 2004 or 2005 exams (and met prior minimum retention rules for carryover) have until December 31, 2007 to pass the remaining parts of the exam."

                          My question is concerning my scores and the possibility that I could take part two of the new format exam (this is formerly part two and three)

                          Do you understand the above explanation as - I can take the passing scores for part 1 and 4 from the 2004 exam , carry them over and retake the part two (the old two and three) in 2005. If I don't pass this year, I still have until 12/2007.


                            Ea And New Format Correction

                            Just reread my post - last paragraph should say "take the exam in 2006 (not 2005)



                              I'm trying out my high school spanish.

