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Off Topic - Block ad

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    Off Topic - Block ad

    ......and I thought TurboTax was a cutthroat operation at thirty bucks (bet Block franchisees are tickled to death about this).

    Those franchisees make more from EITC filers and those people don't go to the free file online!

    That ad will steal my client's 20 yr old son to pay only $9.99 for filing. Last year one such person who worked in 2 states got it all wrong and MA held his refund till I got it straightened out!
    Taxes after all are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society. - FDR


      Better not steal the son if he's on your clients health plan...



        Originally posted by joanmcq View Post
        Better not steal the son if he's on your clients health plan...
        ...another lost soul turns up (the old crew keeps shrinking ). What's new, Joan? Anything interesting happening in California? Are you still resolving TurboTax audits (I think you once mentioned that, didn't you?)?

        Regards, BB


          Hi BB! No, I quit the TT audits a few years ago. Just work for myself now, and couldn't be happier.


            Puffing our Wares

            Originally posted by Black Bart View Post
            Yet another advertisement which is nothing more than "puffing their wares" if you ride it out and read the usual disclaimers buried in the fine print. Rest assured HRB is not going to lose money (nor should we expect them to).

            My client got a CP2000 assessing her for $15,000 because of unreported stock sales (which had no basis). When I reported the basis, she had a $400 refund. I suppose I could run an ad that says I can settle tax liabilities for "pennies on the dollar" or better yet, "settle for zero."

            Realistic advertisements that turn out this way in the real world are not common in today's media (nor have they ever been). My favorite was the old Gillette commercial where they shaved a piece of sandpaper. Turns out the sand was barely glued on the paper.


              >> My client got a CP2000 assessing her for $15,000 because of unreported stock sales (which had no basis). When I reported the basis, she had a $400 refund.

              That happens so often that it is crazy! My mother in law got one of them 2 years back because she completely forgot some old stock sales to pay for her grand kids education. I now make it a point to ask grandparents if they sold any investments and go from there.
              Taxes after all are the dues that we pay for the privileges of membership in an organized society. - FDR

