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Form 8962 Shared Policy Allocation

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    Form 8962 Shared Policy Allocation

    I have been wrestling particularly with with form 8962 including the shared policy allocation Part IV.
    In the instructions on page 13 there is a wonderful example including all the information to fill out form 8962.
    The example is a divorced (prior to 2014) man insuring himself and his two children. His exwife claims one child.
    The Man (Joe) will receive a 1095A showing $13,000 Premium, $12,000 SLCSP, $6434 APTC. Joe is to receive
    80% of those numbers as shown on Part IV. My question is how does 80% of those numbers going to show up
    on form 8962 when you have already transferred the 1095A total information on to Part 2 of the form? Any clearing
    of my mind would help.

    Question 9 on the 8962 will basically have you skip over Part 2 down to Part 4.

    "Did you share a policy with another taxpayer or get married during the year and want to use the alternative calculation? (see instructions)" and if Yes, "Skip to Part 4, Shared Policy Allocation, or Part 5, Alternative Calculation for Year of Marriage."

    And then the instructions for line 9:

    Line 9
    If any of the following apply, continue with the instructions for
    line 9 below.
    You or an individual in your tax family was enrolled in a
    qualified health plan by someone outside your tax family.
    You or an individual in your tax family enrolled someone
    outside your tax family in a qualified health plan.

    You got married during 2014

    So the scenario in the example is basically Joe enrolled someone outside of his tax family. He enrolled his daughter Jane who lives with Alice (the ex) more than half the year and Alice is claiming Jane as a dependent. As a result he answers Yes to line 9.


      Form 8962 Shared Policy Allocation

      Let me try again.

      The 1095A form that Joe will receive will show totals on line 33 of $13,000 premium, $12,000 SLCSP and
      $6,434 APTC. The preparer will be told to use 80% allocation for Joe. The preparer will put 80% on line 30
      E,F, & G. of part 4.

      My question was how does the 80% numbers show up on line 11 of Form 8962.

      It could be simple. The preparer calculates the 80% number and put them on line 11 of Form 8962.

      If that is the case then I have answered my own question.

      I am just trying to understand the mechanics of how the forms work together.
      David, thanks for the reply


        Originally posted by arlo View Post
        It could be simple. The preparer calculates the 80% number and put them on line 11 of Form 8962.
        Sort of yes, as I understand it. Once you fill out the shared policy allocation in Part 4, it tells you to fill in the amounts.

        From line 34 of 8962:

        "Multiply the amounts on Form 1095-A by the allocation percentages entered by policy. Add allocated amounts across all allocated policies with amounts for non-allocated policies from Forms 1095-A, if any, to compute a combined total for each month. Enter the combined total for each month on lines 12ā€“23, columns A, B, and F. Compute the amounts for lines 12ā€“23, columns Cā€“E, and continue to line 24."

        So unfortunately it seems you're forced to use the monthly calculation for a shared policy allocation with lines 12-23 instead of line 11. Which is of course a lot more data entry.


          Form 8962 Shared Policy Allocation

          The IRS would not want to make anything easy..... Thanks David

