MI Line 11 Instrutions Schedule NR.
The "instructions" for Michigan Schedule NR make it very clear that while unemployment is part of Federal AGI (starting point for a Michigan individual income tax return), "This income [unemployment] is allocated to the state you lived in [sic] when you received it."
Thus, for a Tennessee resident receiving unemployment compensation from the Michigan Unemployed Insurance Agency, there is NO Michigan tax due and frankly no need to file a Michigan tax return, regardless of receipt/issuance of 1099-G's from the Michigan UIA.
My practice is Michigan based. I have taken this position with out of state clients for years.
Originally posted by FEDUKE404
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Thus, for a Tennessee resident receiving unemployment compensation from the Michigan Unemployed Insurance Agency, there is NO Michigan tax due and frankly no need to file a Michigan tax return, regardless of receipt/issuance of 1099-G's from the Michigan UIA.
My practice is Michigan based. I have taken this position with out of state clients for years.