In light of the previous thread on this and the bank's reporting of the RMD amount to the recipient, I recently received an explanatory booklet from the new bank which is merging with my existing bank regarding their various practices and related changes. This is what it says about RMD notices:
Q. "Will I continue to receive separate required minimum distribution notices for my IRA account?"
A. "No. However, your required minimum distribution for the following year will be on your annual IRA statement."
I am assuming they mean the Form 5498, but it does not specify. I would think all banks will be doing this in the future, and possibly all other custodians as well. Most of my clients include those 5498's in their tax packages when they bring me their documents. In the past I only glanced at them fleetingly, unless the client asked me to figure an RMD for them. So I am now going to be reviewing those forms and making sure my clients understand that, unless they have set up automatic withdrawals of RMD amounts with their custodian, they will need to monitor this and make sure it is done before the end of the year.
Q. "Will I continue to receive separate required minimum distribution notices for my IRA account?"
A. "No. However, your required minimum distribution for the following year will be on your annual IRA statement."
I am assuming they mean the Form 5498, but it does not specify. I would think all banks will be doing this in the future, and possibly all other custodians as well. Most of my clients include those 5498's in their tax packages when they bring me their documents. In the past I only glanced at them fleetingly, unless the client asked me to figure an RMD for them. So I am now going to be reviewing those forms and making sure my clients understand that, unless they have set up automatic withdrawals of RMD amounts with their custodian, they will need to monitor this and make sure it is done before the end of the year.