New client. TP tells me No 1098-T issued due to Grant student/TP received exceeded Students cost for books, tuition etc. If my memory serves me correctly, I recall seeing some 1098-T with grants so I Googled a 1098-T for 2014 and unless it changed from 2013, box 5 has "Scholarships or Grants".
No announcement yet.
No 1098-T issued due to Grant exceeded Students cost?
I believe that would be correct - I have one - no payments,but Grants received. I can not believe how many of my parents or "students" just conveniently "misplace" their paperwork that has been sent
See if you can obtain access online with their user name and password
There are debits and credits - I have been dealing with this for 3 weeks on one of my clients dependent!
What a struggle it has been and I certainly am not being compensated, but the alternative is the student would go rush to the "local tax prep office " get done quick to get their "pitance" of a refund on W-2 and jeopardize the parents return for the college credits (if any) and/or claiming the "student" as a dependent.
I finally just said if no paperwork and no receipts - all taxable and advise the parents they would lose "student" as a dependent - that made everyone change their mind and finally obtain some of the paperwork
Good Luck!
Can any Education credits be claimed with Grant?
The student/taxpayer (her) told me the college the she attended told the her, she will not be receiving a form 1098-T due to her Grant covered all her student tuition, books etc. seems to me the TP/student cannot claim any Education credits otherwise that would be double dipping. Just thinking out loud.
ST, how do you know......................
Originally posted by S T View PostI finally just said if no paperwork and no receipts - all taxable and advise the parents they would lose "student" as a dependent - that made everyone change their mind and finally obtain some of the paperworkSandy
A pox on Form 1098-T !!
I'm beginning to think no one knows the Form 1098-T rules.
So far as I know, the document was never intended to show a "net" payment scenario. Most important is to report the qualified expenses (and always "billed" of course) and then the amounts of scholarships, whatever amount was received, that may or may not be taxable. As for the income tax consequences. . .that's what our clients pay US for!
The most frequent occurrence I've seen is where the "scholarship" amount does not show up until the next calendar year, often after graduation. In the prior year, there was a Form 1098-T (dare I say "billed" again?), the taxpayer took everything for credit considerations (WHAT offset?!?!), and then gets a strange document later. Call 1-800-TAXPROS!
What a bleeping mess. As for preparing an accurate tax return, the ONLY solution is to follow the money (in/out) via reliable student account (what/when paid) info from the bursar.
This one bothers me
Originally posted by AZ-Tax View PostNew client. TP tells me No 1098-T issued due to Grant student/TP received exceeded Students cost for books, tuition etc. If my memory serves me correctly, I recall seeing some 1098-T with grants so I Googled a 1098-T for 2014 and unless it changed from 2013, box 5 has "Scholarships or Grants".
On page 2, there are the exceptions to preparing this worthless form. I got a sneaking suspicion there is a lot of excess scholarship / grant income going unreported on tax returns, and I don't see any reason why Form 1098-T isn't required to be prepared for these recipients. Plus they are the reason tuition is so high, and I have two kids in college, so I'm a little aggravated at the cash flow here.If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.
Originally posted by AZ-Tax View PostThe student/taxpayer (her) told me the college the she attended told the her, she will not be receiving a form 1098-T due to her Grant covered all her student tuition, books etc. seems to me the TP/student cannot claim any Education credits otherwise that would be double dipping. Just thinking out loud.
Same Problem with 1098 Scholarships Exceeding Expenses
Originally posted by Burke View PostBasically, you are correct. Qualifed tuition, etc completely covered by a grant would not also be deductible on the tax return. However, there is always the situation whereby the grant exceeds these amounts, and some might be taxable. Without a transcript, you don't know. Forget the 1098-T. Have the student go online and print out her student account info. That will tell you.
My resolution: No AOC and the difference added to income on Line 7. I felt that - unlike in past years where she had expenses billed higher than scholarships - there was no way I was going to give her AOC as a 'double-dip.'
You know it...
No doubt there is a lot of income not being reported!
I get a lot of GI Bill money in Scholarships and Grants. If it is GI Bill, the excess is not taxable. So, ask!"I am proud to pay taxes in the United States. The only thing is I could be just as proud for half the money." Arthur Godfrey
Mine was a Pell Grant that is taxable if not used for tution, books and supplies.
I had to retrieve statements online which were very minimal, then also obtained a list from the t/p for expenditures to minimize taxable. T/p acknowledged that he received FUNDS as overage to use for whatever purpose.
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