Client had forgotten about retirement account from a 403B from years ago. Worse the fiduciary had changed about four times. He had not received any information on it. He found out talking with an old working buddy and realized he had never received anything and started a long journey to find out what happened to it. It eneded with finding it was a Met Life after transferring about five times. His address was actually listed as the original fiducuiary, that is why he had not received anything until November, 2013.
403B was it him who controled the RMDs or the employer?? Should he take all the RMDS calculated in by Met Life as $38,390 from 2008-2013.. Then with the same return ask for waiver because he never even received the information. Met seemed to think the old fiduciary should have been doing someing and the "old" did nothing - did not even correct the address.
Is 403B a seperate calculation from the IRAs. He has always drawn more than the minimum from IRAs? Or is the 403B an additional calculation that has to be disbursed on its own?
403B was it him who controled the RMDs or the employer?? Should he take all the RMDS calculated in by Met Life as $38,390 from 2008-2013.. Then with the same return ask for waiver because he never even received the information. Met seemed to think the old fiduciary should have been doing someing and the "old" did nothing - did not even correct the address.
Is 403B a seperate calculation from the IRAs. He has always drawn more than the minimum from IRAs? Or is the 403B an additional calculation that has to be disbursed on its own?