Most charitable contribution acknowledgments that clients bring in nowadays are written on those commercially printed forms which list tithes ("tights-$500" one salt-of-the-earther recently put it
) week-by-week, quarter totals, and then an annual grand total. But...several old-timey rural churches still bring a simple document (a letterhead if I'm lucky; a rent receipt book ticket if not) stating "Sam Soulsearcher gave $2,000 to Wildwood Holiness in 2012." And...that's it; which is okay 'cause hardly anybody here can afford $250 weekly and don't require a separate acknowledgment.
The problem: My well-to-do widowed client recently had a bumper crop and plans to donate $25K this coming year (our local sage Reuben, sole proprietor of Rube's Lubes LLC; opined "She's got enuff money to burn a wet mule.") to the Hosanna Heavenborn Haven which puts out the aforementioned short version, one-total "church letter".
That won't work this time since she'll be giving $500 weekly, but does she have to get multiple actual separate receipts or can her church just borrow another's blank printed weekly donation forms, fill it in, and thus put her in compliance with "a separate acknowledgment" for contributions $250 and over?

The problem: My well-to-do widowed client recently had a bumper crop and plans to donate $25K this coming year (our local sage Reuben, sole proprietor of Rube's Lubes LLC; opined "She's got enuff money to burn a wet mule.") to the Hosanna Heavenborn Haven which puts out the aforementioned short version, one-total "church letter".
That won't work this time since she'll be giving $500 weekly, but does she have to get multiple actual separate receipts or can her church just borrow another's blank printed weekly donation forms, fill it in, and thus put her in compliance with "a separate acknowledgment" for contributions $250 and over?