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Ultra-Tax deletion / Chat board / jainen

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    Ultra-Tax deletion / Chat board / jainen

    Just as well; it wuz gettin' a bit thick back there. Sova--hope you read my defense of your mental capacity before it got zapped--I want credit for my yeoman labor on your behalf--that boy was pretty smart, even if you are frightenin'.

    You know, I was just thinkin' (I know--you're thinkin' there's a first time for everything); a lot of the stuff here that I contribute heavily to is really, really "chatty" and not so "taxey." Somebody once said (either here or over there) "Oh; so now it's a chat board!" I think he might have had a point and it seems like there's been an overabundance of that lately (with lots and lots of help from me) and we need more direct tax questions and answers like on the "other" board. So, anyway, I'm takin' the oath to cut back on my baloney somewhat (until I cayn't stand it any longer) and let those who want tax answers hold sway for a while.

    Too, I'll bet that's why I can't get a rise out of jainen anymore. He (traitorous so-and-so) is over "there" all the time. But I can understand why, in a way. That board is kind of like walking through an obstacle course; you can see all the questions on the board at once and they're just poppin' up right and left. He gets to deftly run each one through with his intellectual rapier, step over the body, and immediately thrust at another. I like our board's setup better, but I can see how somebody lookin' for less talk and more action would, like a ping-pong fanatic, want to skip the small talk and do nothing else but continually bat away.

    Please carry on (get crackin' tax-wise) while I retire into seclusion.


    y'gonna hide

    >>I can't get a rise out of jainen<<

    If y'gonna hide in a thread labeled TurboTax, how am s'posed to know? Now, give me top billin'--that's a diffrent story!



      Bart, the last thing anyone wants is for you to go into seclusion. You are the ONE person that everyone misses when you get real busy for a week or so and don't post. Sometimes you go into a funk in the off-season and you are really missed.

      Who knows. Maybe they didn't delete you, maybe the the thread got so overloaded after so many posts that it exploded! Sova and Jainen provide enough ammunition for anything.


        Kind words, Snag (a tad

        Originally posted by Snaggletooth
        Bart, the last thing anyone wants is for you to go into seclusion. You are the ONE person that everyone misses when you get real busy for a week or so and don't post. Sometimes you go into a funk in the off-season and you are really missed.

        Who knows. Maybe they didn't delete you, maybe the the thread got so overloaded after so many posts that it exploded! Sova and Jainen provide enough ammunition for anything.
        too kind, perhaps). But, anyhow, thank you very much.

        To Jainen (the coastal cosmopolitan): Phffftttt to you! Nice to see you "back," though.

        Oh, I'm not upset about the deletion at all. I'm sure Bees gave it lots of thought and did not want to intentionally offend anyone, but I believe he, in all good conscience, had to do it--I'd have done the same.

        What I meant was was my gettin' carried away with all my "talk." People want to hear just so much folderol and after that they want what they came here for in the first place (tax-talk). Humor is a nice added touch to most topics, but it shouldn't become a distraction from the main theme.

        Anyhow, I'm kinda tired of the repartee (and hearin' myself carry on) for a while, so I'm off to get some downtime. Don't worry--I'm kinda like a pesky gnat; I'll be around again just about the time you're startin' to enjoy some well-deserved relief.

        Best regards, BB


          Well, Bart,

          just exactly where will you be going to try to get that relief? Sometimes, that is just like
          trying to run away from a headache. That headache goes with you.
          I'm just like the rest of them on the board. Enjoying your banter and missing it
          when it isn't there.


            Board Censor

            Well.... I guess I should have continued to read that post before it was deleted. The problem with censorship is now for those of us that didn't see the offending post makes us wonder what was going on that caused such a drastic reaction by the board censor. Was the post deletion justified or is the board censor just showing all of us that he is the man, this is his board, and he will do as he pleases.


              It was justified

              and yes, he is the man. You missed nothing, but the possiblity of wasting some of your time.


                I agree .....

                .... it was just a waste of time.. It reminded me of many years ago when I had a CB. You could always count on some idiot being around just to aggravate. This was that type of "no-name" poster..... you missed nothing.
                This post is for discussion purposes only and should be verified with other sources before actual use.

                Many times I post additional info on the post, Click on "message board" for updated content.


                  Black Bart,

                  Don't stop posting your stuff. It makes this board what it is. We need people like you around.

                  BTW, none of your posts were what caused the other thread to be deleted.


                    Originally posted by Black Bart
                    too kind, perhaps). But, anyhow, thank you very much.

                    To Jainen (the coastal cosmopolitan): Phffftttt to you! Nice to see you "back," though.

                    Oh, I'm not upset about the deletion at all. I'm sure Bees gave it lots of thought and did not want to intentionally offend anyone, but I believe he, in all good conscience, had to do it--I'd have done the same.

                    What I meant was was my gettin' carried away with all my "talk." People want to hear just so much folderol and after that they want what they came here for in the first place (tax-talk). Humor is a nice added touch to most topics, but it shouldn't become a distraction from the main theme.

                    Anyhow, I'm kinda tired of the repartee (and hearin' myself carry on) for a while, so I'm off to get some downtime. Don't worry--I'm kinda like a pesky gnat; I'll be around again just about the time you're startin' to enjoy some well-deserved relief.

                    Best regards, BB
                    And where is this well-deserved relief in Arkansas?
                    My husband and I are going to Branson next week for a little R and R. We go through Arkansas and love it. There is where my husband wants to retire.



                      When we lived in West Tennessee our daughter was a student at Oklahoma Baptist University. We made the trip several times. I like Arkansas because it reminds me so much of South Carolina where I grew up. I remember stopping in North Little Rock and I aggravated my wife by pointing out to her so many pork byproducts in the Grocery: pig ears, pig tails, fat back, cracklins, chitlins, pig knuckles and the like. She wanted to disown me. I remember as a very young boy that my dad loved to eat pig tails and would pour bacon grease in his syrup and molasses.
                      BB you know what I am talking about, Friend. Or do you disown me as well.



                        BIRD & SUEBABY: If I cayn't make it to Florida, then I'm just gonna have to make do with Mountain View (AR). There's a Cinco de Mayo workshop on Mexican silversmithing going on there pretty soon (who says I'm not a liberal?). Have to admit though, if I had my "druthers," ah'd druther lay up in a beachfront motel at Pensacola.

                        OLD JACK: Jon & Bob are right. It was justified. And these board managers (Bees and Armando) are above "showing off." You won't find greater integrity.

                        BEES: Thanks, but don't worry about me--I'm not goin' anywhere ( permanently). If I did, who else would let me post? Anyway I did have a dog in that fight and they could probably get me for contributing to the deliinquency of a hothead. It's Sova we've got to pacify and get back in the game--that boy is almost as knowledgeable about taxes as jainen (that oughtta git him fired up and back in here). Too, since he's "never wrong", I believe is the phrase, it's awful handy havin' him around. All due respect--he usually is right.

                        CHIEF: Having you on the board is like still having my grandpop around. And I do always enjoy your posts on anything and everything. Thanks for being so helpful to everybody on the board, and overall, for just being a good sort and a good sport. don't disown you, but I must admit that I prefer pigs' feet to pigs' tails (it's an acquired taste, you see). Other countrified connoisseurs may differ--perhaps expressing a predilection for hog jowl, as it were. But...everybody to his own taste, said the old man when he kissed the cow.

                        Ciao! (For some reason, I get hungry every time I say that).


                          Mountain View

                          Do they still have a lot of art & crafts shops there?


                            Originally posted by Donanita
                            Do they still have a lot of art & crafts shops there?
                            Yes! We went there a couple of years ago going to Branson. It is full of arts and crafts and street music and shows. It is a beautiful place in the mountains. A good place to retire.
                            BB thanks for this post, brought back wonderful memories there. Want to go again.
                            Of course, leave those pig feet and tails out of my menu!! Yuk!


                              Deleted message

                              To anyone (except the unregistered person who shall remain nameless cause he is afraid to let us know who he is) that I may have offended I apologize. It was a little over the top, but I get so tired of hearing about how we have to offend the majority to pacify the few it makes me sick and I finally lost it.

                              I love this board and all who post here (except the unregistered person who shall remain nameless cause he is afraid to let us know who he is). Even though I may have tangled sabres with others on this board in the past I respect everyone's opinion here (except the unregistered person who shall remain nameless cause he is afraid to let us know who he is).

                              I will continue to check in, post stuff that I know about and agitate people because, as my wife knows, that is what I do best!!

                              I would put a favorite quote in here, but it would get me banned from the board.

