I agree with both
if for completely new - capitalize - as land improvement and if it is repairs or maintance deduct it. Here in the land of 10,000 taxes Cities are forced to issue statements to help with residential - Wayazta and Maple Grove.. I do not think it makes a difference between commercial and residential, treatment should be the same. Although the deduction for the homeowner is additional real estate taxes - commercial when do the new repairs and maintenance rules get involved???
if for completely new - capitalize - as land improvement and if it is repairs or maintance deduct it. Here in the land of 10,000 taxes Cities are forced to issue statements to help with residential - Wayazta and Maple Grove.. I do not think it makes a difference between commercial and residential, treatment should be the same. Although the deduction for the homeowner is additional real estate taxes - commercial when do the new repairs and maintenance rules get involved???