Client owned home with ex-spouse... home was foreclosed by bank... Bank issued 1099-A in 2011 showing borrower personally liable... No 1099-C issued to date... Called bank: They said they have 5 years to issue 1099-C and they don't know when they will issue it.
Client is currently an insolvent student ie. Student loan debt exceeds all assets...
1. Divorce decree states spouse is responsible for paying mortgage but the bank sees both names on the mortgage...
Can the divorce decree override the mortgage?
2. What is clients responsibility to the IRS if no 1099-C is issued... ie no date of discharge defined by bank?
3. The client may no longer be insolvent after 5 years...
Can the client claim 1/2 of the mortgage debt as income and claim insolvency now without 1099-C from the bank?
Client is currently an insolvent student ie. Student loan debt exceeds all assets...
1. Divorce decree states spouse is responsible for paying mortgage but the bank sees both names on the mortgage...
Can the divorce decree override the mortgage?
2. What is clients responsibility to the IRS if no 1099-C is issued... ie no date of discharge defined by bank?
3. The client may no longer be insolvent after 5 years...
Can the client claim 1/2 of the mortgage debt as income and claim insolvency now without 1099-C from the bank?