Ok, on the IRS website "where is my refund", the detailed explanation is the following: "We didn't allow the amount of Refundable Education Credit claimed on page 2 of your tax return. Information on your return indicates you can be claimed as a dependent on someone else's return."
Now, the TP was NOT claimed on the parents tax return. The questons my software ask are: "Can taxpayer be claimed as depedent of another person?" for which I marked YES. Under that question is: If yes, was taxpayer claimed as a depedent on that person's return? for which I marked NO.
I went into the TP file and changed the first answer to NO and uncheck the box on the 2nd question. Refund did not change thus still allowing for the AOC.
Pub 970 pg 9
You cannot claim the credit: "You are listed as a dependent on another person's tax return (such as your parents')." Says nothing about if could be.
I thought about calling the IRS but then again I thought about just amending the Fed tax return.
Now, the TP was NOT claimed on the parents tax return. The questons my software ask are: "Can taxpayer be claimed as depedent of another person?" for which I marked YES. Under that question is: If yes, was taxpayer claimed as a depedent on that person's return? for which I marked NO.
I went into the TP file and changed the first answer to NO and uncheck the box on the 2nd question. Refund did not change thus still allowing for the AOC.
Pub 970 pg 9
You cannot claim the credit: "You are listed as a dependent on another person's tax return (such as your parents')." Says nothing about if could be.
I thought about calling the IRS but then again I thought about just amending the Fed tax return.