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GlobalCPE Unlimited CPE webinars for $299?

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    GlobalCPE Unlimited CPE webinars for $299?

    I know bad time but the Global CPE person said it ends April 15th. Any of you receiving calls from Global CPE? Unlimited CPE webinars for $299 for 1 year. Its my understanding I can take 40 CPE's one year then 16 CPE each year thereafter for the remaining 2 years for a total of 72. $299 divided by 40 = $7.47/CPE.

    Global CPE is the Industry Leader in cutting edge CPE content delivery. We offer Live CPE Seminars, Online Self-Study, Live Webinars, On Demand Webinars.

    bad timing

    Someone from one of those places called me toward the beginning of March. I told her it was a bad time to be called enrolled agents about CPEs. She replied that it was their slow time and so they liked to contact us now. I told her that this was NOT my slow time and if they wanted my business they should call at a time that would be convenient for me, not for them. Then I hung up. She caught me at a bad time.

    This is ridiculous to use the last day of filing season to end their specials. most of us don't have time to think about that stuff now.

    I even get very aggravated with my software company because they want us to renew during tax season. Especially one person offices are a little overworked and would appreciate these companies waiting until after April 15th and giving us till the end of May to make such decisions.

    Linda, EA


      I likewise received a call from Global CPE and stated it was a "bad if not worse time" to be calling -

      I can't even think about CPE specials or Software Specials prior to 4/15/2013 or make decent informed decisions about such issues.



        Sandy, I was not as nice as you were with Global CPE

        I gave Global CPE an earful and a half on why they had to call me during the busiest time of my year and why the offer had to end April 15th. Linda, I cannot believe a tax software co. would call during this time to renew you sofware. That is lower then what Global CPE did. I guess they believe most of us are leaving town. "I WISH".


          CE Pricing

          $299 divided by 40 = $7.47/CPE.
          That's not a bad price. But I would never buy this package, because I would never take that many hours online. And I have no idea what the quality of their product is.

          As a member of NAEA, I have to take 30 hours of CE per year. I rarely try to take more than that. I do plenty of reading and studying on my own, and I have learned an incredible amount just from participating on this board. But since the hours don't carry over to the next year, I don't usually take more than 30.

          I get about half of my hours from live seminars offered by the local chapter of the Ohio State Society of Enrolled Agents. For NAEA members, these programs cost around $5 per credit hour.

          I get the other half online. We have been using an online vendor called APlusCPE. They are currently offering a bundle of 24 hours for $59.95. They also offer individual courses for around $4 per credit hour. The quality and content are very good.

          With that being said, most of the programs offered by APlusCPE are not webinars. They are online learning that is text-based. They do have a few courses that include video of an instructor or speaker.

          I don't particularly like video-based training. If it's not a LIVE classroom presentation, I would prefer to read a textbook--whether the text is on paper or on a screen. Most, but not all, of the APlusCPE courses have a text that can be saved to a PDF and then printed for offline reading.

          I have also had very good experiences with the CPE offered by the TaxBook. Their courses are also textbook-based. They cost about $11 per credit hour. But the price comes down if you buy more than one course. And you may also qualify for a discount based on NAEA or NATP membership.

          Burton M. Koss

          The map is not the territory...
          and the instruction book is not the process.


            Global CPE

            I've received numerous calls from Global CPE in the past. Every time I ask them to remove me from their calling list. They lie and say they will remove me. Then I get another call a week or two later.

            It's been a while, so, maybe, they finally got me off their calling list--or they are so busy calling you guys that they haven't got down that far on the alphabet to my name.


              Originally posted by taxxcpa View Post
              I've received numerous calls from Global CPE in the past. Every time I ask them to remove me from their calling list. They lie and say they will remove me. Then I get another call a week or two later.

              It's been a while, so, maybe, they finally got me off their calling list--or they are so busy calling you guys that they haven't got down that far on the alphabet to my name.
              You need to report them. You also may be able to sue. Look it up
              Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


                Telemarketing Calls

                Taxea wrote:

                You need to report them. You also may be able to sue. Look it up
                If he doesn't have time to take their call, he also doesn't have time to file a report with the FCC, or the FTC, or file a lawsuit.

                Taxea is talking about a federal law called the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). It is in fact possible to file suit in some cases, and win statutory damages of a fixed amount for each call, if a telemarketer fails to honor your notice to be removed from the calling list.

                But those lawsuits are sometimes hard to win. You have to go through certain steps, and be able to document those steps, before you have a case.

                The worst part: If the telephone account is billed to a business entity--even a sole proprietorship or a DBA fictitious name--the then the TCPA is not applicable. The protection is only available to consumers.

                Burton M. Koss

                The map is not the territory...
                and the instruction book is not the process.


                  Another call from Global CPE on 5/15 - I just can't even listen to their "rhetoric" so demanded that they just take me off the list and I had already made other arrangements for my CPE - I really don't even know who this Company is nor had enough time to review.

                  I just don't need the constant phone calls - more than one during the Tax Filing Season, and secondarily the follow up in May.

                  Really aggravating! - Global should just send through the mail, it is about the same cost as their Global Bank of phone #'s and telemarketers.


