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Dadgummit! Gotta start wearin'

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    Dadgummit! Gotta start wearin'

    my tie today. Those danged upscale, "carriage trade," March cases are startin' to amble in and they expect their tax prepper to look as good as they do. And just when I'd gotten right good and settled into my dress-down EIC apparel. Oh well.....them's the breaks.

    I say "take me as I am or go to someone else". If I have to dressup, I add $100 to the bill.
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      Some of them there EICers

      Originally posted by Black Bart View Post
      my tie today. Those danged upscale, "carriage trade," March cases are startin' to amble in and they expect their tax prepper to look as good as they do. And just when I'd gotten right good and settled into my dress-down EIC apparel. Oh well.....them's the breaks.
      I notice a right few of them EICer's dress bettern me. And have better rides on these roads we are paying for, and seem purty care free with their three kids at the school. I think we might oughta reevaluate who ain't payin their fair share.

      Oh, this thread is about clothes. I'm wearing jeans, nice top, two inch heels. That's all they're getting out of me.
      If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.


        8ish years ago I went out and visited roughly 125 attorney's over a 5 month period for a separate business I operate. Exactly 2 attorney's wore ties. One was a country lawyer who wore his suit coat in the office during our meeting and the other had just walked in from being in court. It was after those 5 months that I decided I'd never wear a tie ever again to work. I used to have a rack of them in a closet at work - threw them out 3 years ago because I'd never worn them.



          EIC crowd equals "TankToppers" - although a few of them are downright appealing...Raggedy kids with food spilt on
          their shirts and acting like heatherns in spite of parents screaming at them so loud you can't even work on taxes.

          With no EIC - equals "The Beautiful People" - although a few of them also belie their nomenclature. Little girls with
          ballerina outfits waiting to go their next lesson, and bespectacled young boys stuffing their brains from an i-pad during
          the appointment.

          Me 'n Bart 'n Rita should all move to the Midwest where there is none of this class distinction in their states.
          Whaddabout it ChEAr$, you ready for Ohio?
          Last edited by Golden Rocket; 03-14-2013, 04:13 PM.


            A few days ago

            Originally posted by Golden Rocket View Post
            Raggedy kids with food spilt on their shirts
            The other day I went to the bathroom, and I had a quarter-sized piece of chocolate from a Klondike bar on my white shirt. Only fourteen or so people saw it. I should have figured it out when people left singing, "What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike bar..."

            It was February, so I think I fit right in, Ron.
            If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.


              I've been getting my clients to stuff their stuff through the mail slot in my front door. So, I'm sitting here in my flannel pajamas, MSU sweatshirt, and fuzzy slippers. Had retired hubby make a delivery for me today, and my next will be delivered at church on Sunday. But, next week I have clients coming in every day, my own loan closing at our bank, and hopefully a bunch ready for people to come in to sign and pick up. I better put away some laundry, so I can find a week's worth of clothes to wear.



                I wouldn't think to meet with a client, new or existing, without a tie on. I don't even like to see clients out around town if I'm not "in costume", as they may think of me as something other than their tax PROFESSIONAL. But, that's just me.


                  I state right on my website that I'm not one of those grey flannel suit type accountants. A lot of clients mention that they don't feel intimidated when they meet with me, and they like that. I have been known to wag a finger at them as I say "You WILL keep a mileage log" but no one's answered with "yes ma'am". Yet.


                    Originally posted by Black Bart View Post
                    dress-down EIC apparel . . .
                    my tie today. Those danged upscale, "carriage trade," March cases
                    From your dress-down EIC apparel, to ties for the March upscale cases . . . leaves me wondering what sort of garb you favor for the October extension people?


                      Originally posted by BP

                      Originally posted by Black Bart
                      dress-down EIC apparel . . . my tie today. Those danged upscale, "carriage trade," March cases
                      From your dress-down EIC apparel, to ties for the March upscale cases . . . leaves me wondering what sort of garb you favor for the October extension people?
                      Whaddaya mean October extensions? Why, these people are so intimidated, they don't dare ask for an extension.

                      Originally posted by joanmcq

                      ...I'm not one of those grey flannel suit type accountants...clients...don't feel intimidated when they meet with me...I...wag a I say "You WILL keep a mileage log" but no one's answered with "yes ma'am". Yet.
                      Say Joanie,

                      If you start wearin' a tie, maybe they will.


                        Life is too short to wear a noose around my neck! Haven't worn a tie in years, not sure I could find one in the closet.
                        "A man that holds a cat by the tail learns something he can learn no other way." - Mark Twain


                          Originally posted by BOB W View Post
                          I say "take me as I am or go to someone else". If I have to dressup, I add $100 to the bill.
                          If you could add $100 to there bill, wouldn't it be worth it to wear a tie?


                            Originally posted by JoshinNC View Post
                            I wouldn't think to meet with a client, new or existing, without a tie on. I don't even like to see clients out around town if I'm not "in costume", as they may think of me as something other than their tax PROFESSIONAL. But, that's just me.
                            Completely agree.


                              If I have to put shoes on, someone is getting a bill.

