If anybody's looking for good-quality, very reasonably-priced recycled cartridges here's a good place to get them:
I've shopped around since Office Max skyrocketed their prices some years back and if your "used stuff" experience matches mine, you probably consider the words "good" and "recycled cartridges" to be an oxymoron. I've tried many suppliers with varying degrees of unsuccess (is that a word?), had given up, bit the bullet and bought new...until, I stumbled across these guys out of Memphis. I'm running HP1012 Laserjets and Sam's cost is $69.50 each -- these are a five-pack for $105 or $23 for a single. It's been smooth (and cheap) sailing for two years now.
P.S. An afterthough: some 21st century folks have probably banished paper from your offices and this is irrelevant, so please excuse the ring (still, what's the electronic equivalent to Charmin
A good laugh is sunshine in the house.
Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
Philander Johnson
I've shopped around since Office Max skyrocketed their prices some years back and if your "used stuff" experience matches mine, you probably consider the words "good" and "recycled cartridges" to be an oxymoron. I've tried many suppliers with varying degrees of unsuccess (is that a word?), had given up, bit the bullet and bought new...until, I stumbled across these guys out of Memphis. I'm running HP1012 Laserjets and Sam's cost is $69.50 each -- these are a five-pack for $105 or $23 for a single. It's been smooth (and cheap) sailing for two years now.
P.S. An afterthough: some 21st century folks have probably banished paper from your offices and this is irrelevant, so please excuse the ring (still, what's the electronic equivalent to Charmin

A good laugh is sunshine in the house.

Cheer up, the worst is yet to come.
