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Early filing

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    Early filing

    We all know from the mouth of IRS that if a return does not qualify for electronic filing, it must be paper filed.

    Also we now know that IRS won't be accepting efiled returns before January 22, 2013.

    So then, a return which is completed on January 7th is not eligible for efiling, right?
    So it must be paper filed.



    What got me to thinking of this was remembering that for one tax year, the employee had his W2 from the city on December 27th before year's end and that was his only income. I prepared his return on Dec 28 and he mailed it in Dec 29th.
    (Long before efiling of course)
    Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA

    Early filing

    The software companies will hold the return and send it in when they open.If you mail it in it will just lay there until the end of January I do not think it will be processed.I will probably have 400 returns done by the time they open e-file.


      Originally posted by mlinderEA View Post
      The software companies will hold the return and send it in when they open.If you mail it in it will just lay there until the end of January I do not think it will be processed.I will probably have 400 returns done by the time they open e-file.
      And all of them EITC returns (g)


        I am not that creative

        If I prepare ANY tax returns prior to 01/22/2013, rest assured they will not be calendar year 2012 tax returns!

        Your end-run apparently would depend upon the words "eligible" or "qualify" as related to efiling. Since more/most preparers are now boxed into mandatory efiling, or must present a darn good reason to the IRS why they did not efile, I would be very reluctant to use the IRS acceptance date as a valid reason why you "cannot" efile.

        Heck, I guess under the right circumstances you could paper file a simple 2012 return today, correct???

        (And the observation of smithtax is probably quite accurate about EITC returns, which I likely will no longer prepare anyway.)


