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Company Vehicle

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    Company Vehicle

    My question is about 100% business use vehicle. If they drive it to the office daily, would that be personal use? I know my husband works for a major corp and they have what the call home garage and those employees drive those business vehicles to work and don't get anything added to their W-2 for that. I'm confused about the commuting with 100% business vehicle. Is it then not a 100%?

    First question:

    Who owns the vehicle, and who pays operating expenses?
    Evan Appelman, EA


      One of the partner's bought the vehicle, but is in the business name. The expenses are paid by the partner, but probably should be investment in the company.


        I'm listening to myself, and if it's in the business name that seems like a no brainer. But Circular 230 and the commute has me very concerned!


          Do 100% business vehicles need a mileage log?


            It sounds messy.

            I wouldn't think it could be 100% business use if a partner uses it for commuting. I was hoping someone else would weigh in on this. And I'm not sure your husband's "major corporation" shouldn't really be reporting something on the employee's W-2. It strikes me as going way beyond any transportation fringe, unless the employee only lives a few blocks from the office.
            Evan Appelman, EA


              Unless the tp is on call 24 hours a day, I would say they are not 100% business use vehicles and the tp should be charged for the commuting costs on his W-2. I did have a case about 15 years ago where there was a security issue (vehicle vandalized a couple of times) on leaving a company vehicle at the business and keeping it at the owners home was the best alternative. In that case I did not charge commuting costs to the owner.


                I can't

                Imagine not charging the partner for commuting. Emergency or otherwise.

