Deloitte and APlus CPE
I took a one-hour Deloitte online course -- free and easy as pie. No test; just had to answer three or four poll questions at 15 minute intervals (all answers are considered correct). I didn't know that it's no good for EAs; I just assumed that NASBA stuff for CPAs was okay with IRS.
In a reversed situation, I took a 4-hour APlusCPE online tax course for $15.95 which boldly stated it was valid for EAs, but after taking the course I got to looking for their NASBA number, couldn't find it, called, they weren't registered with NASBA (but they expected to be in a year or so). have to read the fine print on all these guys.
Originally posted by DonPriebe
In a reversed situation, I took a 4-hour APlusCPE online tax course for $15.95 which boldly stated it was valid for EAs, but after taking the course I got to looking for their NASBA number, couldn't find it, called, they weren't registered with NASBA (but they expected to be in a year or so). have to read the fine print on all these guys.