For you that are familiar with auto insurance, if you go w/o auto ins for certain period of time, you will need to file an SR-22 (financial responsibility) form to obtain new auto ins or reinstated your current auto ins and 4 yrs back when I launched my P&C agency, very few insurer's accepted applicants w/SR22’s and those insurer's that did, their premiums were quite a bit higher. One would think that it itself that would entice vehicle owners to purchase and continue their auto ins. Well that does not seem to be the case anymore. More insurers are accepting SR22s' and the premium difference between an insurer that accepts a SR22 and those insurer's that don’t are nearly neck and neck but I noticed an overall increase in auto premiums. Does that mean those uninsured’s who were liable for property damage caused by their vehicle contributed to AZ overall increase in auto premiums, possibly. So it’s a matter of opinion if the free market worked or not and yes, at least in AZ, auto insurer's from all around the U.S. complete in AZ. Now AZ is looking at ways to get tougher on uninsured vehicle owners. One idea was assessing an additional penalty/tax at registration renewal for all those uninsured vehicle owners that received a SR22 in the prior renewal year.
Sound familiar?
Sound familiar?