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teachers pension from California

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    teachers pension from California

    Is this taxable for California state Taxes.
    Please help.
    Jay W.

    Yes. You should have the CalSTRS statement showing the taxable amount.


      Teacher's Pension From CA

      Did taxpayer live in CA in 2011? If taxpayer did not live in CA, there would be no CA tax due. Info from CALSTRS states "Pursuant to federal law, if you are not a resident of
      California, you are not subject to California state tax. However, CalSTRS benefits may be subject to taxation to the state in which you do reside. CalSTRS cannot withhold taxes for another state."


        General rule

        People who receive retirement income from another state cannot be taxed on such income by that state.

        However, the income is subject to "normal" taxation by the state in which the person actually resides.

        The taxable amount should be resolved by a review of the Form 1099-R itself.



          Thank you, Peggysioux and FE for clarifying my post to Jay. I'm in my own little dream world of CA residents right now and it never dawned on me that someone might live outside this state!!


            Also Teachers retirement in Calif could be Cal STRS or CalPers depending on which plan they signed up on - I have both, guessing it could be issued from CalSTRS given the retirement age of your T/P that I am guessing at.

            If a Calif resident, yes it is taxable to California and filing a California Resident Return, if Teacher retired to another State, it more than likely will be taxable Retirement to that State of Residency, but you will have to look at that State's Regulations on Taxable Pensions.

            Of course, if retired to one of the States that has no State Income Tax such as Nevada, Florida, Washington, South Dakota, Texas, etc then there would be no taxable event for State. Will almost always be taxable for Federal.


