rental income. TP is a Realtor. Lives in IL and conducts his regular Real Estate business in IL. He has residential rental property in CA and CO. The gross income for CA is $46822 and CO is $22350. My understanding of the All States tax book is that a Nonresident return needs to be filed for CA and CO and IL taxable income will be reduced by the net rental income for these properties.
Can someone confirm this for me?
This is a new client and he has never filed state returns for any of these properties before except IL and he seemed shocked that he would have to file for these other states. He did have another professional tax preparer doing his taxes before coming to me.
Can someone confirm this for me?
This is a new client and he has never filed state returns for any of these properties before except IL and he seemed shocked that he would have to file for these other states. He did have another professional tax preparer doing his taxes before coming to me.