I have read several threads at this site without much understanding. Today, I gave a Tax Talk and a potential client gave me a document, entitled, Section 131. Certain Foster Care Payments, IRC, Title 26, Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter B, Part III, Section 131. The bottom line is that the statue states that gross income shall not include amounts received by a foster care provider during the taxable year as qualified foster care payments. The article goes on to say that the term qualified foster care payment means any paymebnt made pursuant to as foster care program of a State or political subdivision...
Section 131 is buried deep in IRC and this new information threw me for a huge loop. I see several issues with this new enlightment. If it is the only income that the foster care provider is getting, how am I going to enter the information on the tax return. Apparently, the source provider is an Independent Contractor,...so what about the Sch-C and Sch-SE? Any solid information regarding this matter is greatly needed. Thanks.
Section 131 is buried deep in IRC and this new information threw me for a huge loop. I see several issues with this new enlightment. If it is the only income that the foster care provider is getting, how am I going to enter the information on the tax return. Apparently, the source provider is an Independent Contractor,...so what about the Sch-C and Sch-SE? Any solid information regarding this matter is greatly needed. Thanks.