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What do you do when the board logs you out in the middle of typing a long response?

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    What do you do when the board logs you out in the middle of typing a long response?

    Sorry for the long title but this is so frustrating. While responding to a post and admittedly being rather long fingered (winded) with my answer...I was automatically logged out, Now I have lost the entire post!
    Has anyone else had this problem? I tried to go back to recover and copy it but when I logged in again it was lost somewhere in cyberspace.
    Isn't there any way to keep this from happening? And the post response was such a good "cop war story".
    Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.

    When you log in, click the “Remember me” box next to your user name. Then that won’t happen.


      Yes...been there, done that.

      I believe if you log in with the "Remember Me?" option checked, it will reduce the occurrence, but I log in from various places and do not always have that checked.

      I have an issue with one browser (I think it may be Chrome) where occassionally I will occassionally somehow get out of the messagebox while backspacing which brings me to the previous web page and eliminates everything I typed from existence. (No, going forward again does not retrieve the lost information.)

      On a couple of cases, I have spent hours crafting a well-written and clear message only to lose everything an hour later and then try to retype the thing in 5 or 10 minutes with a poorly written result.

      If I could get into the habit, I would type my responses into notepad and then paste it into the board. I had been doing that a while back, but got out of that habit; especially since I never expect my posts to be as long as they end up being nor to take as long to write nor ever to be interrupted by a phone call or other distraction.

      I think I once looked for some other external editors, but gave up and resorted to using notepad.

      Does anyone have any tricks or tips to protect us from ourselves?


        I often do a quick run-through of my reply and post it immediately. Then I check for spelling errors or other changes and go back & edit it. I might also edit for grammar, elaborate on a point, or in rare cases even condense a reply in a later edit. This forum is very generous in allowing you to edit the reply, and even the title line, as many times as you wish.

        The only risk in doing it this way is that someone might quickly respond by "Quoting" me before I've finished editing, and then there's a disconnect between my final edited post and the "quoted" post embedded in their reply. But as a practical matter, I've only seen that happen once or twice. Running that risk is acceptable when compared to the frustration of seeing a long reply disappear just as I'm getting ready to post it.
        Last edited by JohnH; 02-10-2012, 11:35 AM.
        "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


          I know how that feels, and yes, it has happened to me too, even with being logged in with "Remember me".

          If I don't forget, I will write in Word and then copy and paste to the message board.


            Originally posted by taxea View Post
            Has anyone else had this problem? I tried to go back to recover and copy it but when I logged in again it was lost somewhere in cyberspace.
            Isn't there any way to keep this from happening? And the post response was such a good "cop war story".
            Is your computer firewall turned on and active? There are hackers out there you know who delight in a D O S attack.
            (denial of service)

            Although, come to think about it, that would also disconnect you from the net in general. You might try this. When logging onto this board, open another browser window , or tab, and put another web site on the screen to see what happens.
            Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


              "On a couple of cases, I have spent hours crafting a well-written and clear message only to lose everything an hour later and then try to retype the thing in 5 or 10 minutes with a poorly written result."

              And doesn't this just frost you!!!

              "If I could get into the habit, I would type my responses into notepad and then paste it into the board. I had been doing that a while back, but got out of that habit; especially since I never expect my posts to be as long as they end up being nor to take as long to write nor ever to be interrupted by a phone call or other distraction."

              I think I have a better idea....if your post is long and it took you time to type it....highlight and copy it. Then when you hit the post button and it tells you that you are logged can login,
              go to the post and just paste yours in.

              I think its time for me to ask the monitors to correct this problem by writing in a warning that the poster is about to be kicked off with a yes/no option.
              Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


                I think they should also modify the forum to enable it to pour me a cup of coffee and serve it at my desk with a fresh bagel each morning while I'm reading the new posts. (cream cheese with the bagel would also be nice, but I'm willing to wait until version 2:7 for that feature)
                "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


                  Type in Word then copy and paste

                  I've done this before on other forums and it works well. And if I get busy and have to do something else for a while, I don't have to worry about getting logged out. Once in a while depending on the type of forum, I may have to go into my post and separate the paragraphs after pasting before hitting the post button though. But that's pretty rare.

