Over the 28 years that I have been preparing tax returns I have NEVER found it best
for a newly married couple to file separately. But they are always convinced that they
should file separately. Why? Surely there could be the rare case where the wife had
more income and the husband had less income and was entitled to an auto expense
deduction or have another unusual situation causing filing separate to be best.
But for the last few years even when the husband had an auto expense deduction in
my case filing a Joint return turned out to be best.
for a newly married couple to file separately. But they are always convinced that they
should file separately. Why? Surely there could be the rare case where the wife had
more income and the husband had less income and was entitled to an auto expense
deduction or have another unusual situation causing filing separate to be best.
But for the last few years even when the husband had an auto expense deduction in
my case filing a Joint return turned out to be best.