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Online Filing of Information Returns

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    Online Filing of Information Returns

    Does anyone use web-based services to file W-2s or 1099s?

    If so, do you use the service to file your own information returns, or those of clients, or both?

    Last week I used a site called to file Form W-2 for an S corp that has only one employee. The rates seem very reasonable.

    I generally don't do payroll work at all. For the right client, I might consider it. But at the present time, I'm not equipped for it. I don't have software for this sort of thing.

    In the case of this particular S corp, I have a close personal relationship with the principals, and I have done the 1120S for years at no charge. This is the first time they ever had an employee. I did the quarterly 941s... well, not exactly by hand, but by using the fill-in PDFs provided on the IRS website.

    When it came time to do the W-2, I started hunting around, and found several websites that offer to do it at fairly low rates.

    I do have clients that need to issue 1099s, and this seems like a good option.

    Anyone else use this type of service?

    Burton M. Koss

    The map is not the territory...
    and the instruction book is not the process.

    I use ATX Max software for my returns and 1099/W-2 efiling is included in the package. I haven't done too many in the last few years since none of my current small business clients have employees and few have paid for services. But efiling them is so simple compared to trying to print a red 1096 I've never gone back after efiling the first one.

