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    Personally ----

    I love the same questions for the EA Exam..

    John bought a piano 10 years ago for $500. {First, where? I want one for $500}.
    While cleaning it this year to sell it he found $10,000 hidden inside.

    He sold the piano for $600.
    What must John claim on his taxes....???

    A - Nothing
    B - $100.00
    C - $10,100.00
    D - None of the above..

    Wording is not exact.. My question is - Where's the response..

    E - $100 - but had a GREAT Vacations that year!!

    LOL --- Enjoy!
    Matthew Jones
    Tax Preparation
    Computer Consultant

    Tax Season is here!
    Make sure everything is working, extra ink or toner is available, Advil in top drawer!


      Originally posted by MAJ View Post
      I love the same questions for the EA Exam..

      John bought a piano 10 years ago for $500. {First, where? I want one for $500}.
      While cleaning it this year to sell it he found $10,000 hidden inside.

      He sold the piano for $600.
      What must John claim on his taxes....???

      A - Nothing
      B - $100.00
      C - $10,100.00
      D - None of the above..

      Wording is not exact.. My question is - Where's the response..

      E - $100 - but had a GREAT Vacations that year!!
      It appears you're suggesting that $100 is the correct answer (whether B or "E"). That is not correct. The correct answer is C. The $10,000 found is considered a treasure trove and the income tax regulation at ยง1.61-14 states that gross income includes treasure troves.


        Agree--here is a court case on Treasure Trove

