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NT-Disappointed with Clients Principals

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    NT-Disappointed with Clients Principals

    Wow Monday was a doozy of a day. The things I heard. I can see why our country is in such a mess.

    First situation: Client used to be in trucking business and had fully depreciated his truck. I find out Monday that he sold it for about $75000, instant huge tax liability on his return. He asked me to file the return without it? Hello? What part of dishonest am I? I told him I wasn't willing to go to jail for him. He was welcome to what I prepared and he could do what he liked with it. Hmmm I could probably make some money being an IRS squealer couldn't I? But I don't think that would look good for business...

    Next client I dealt with: He and his new wife had bought a large farm (over million $) in 2010 and hadn't sold either of their former residence/hobby farms. I asked if there was any rental income. No they were trying to sell. That's fine. Then he says "We're actually consulting with out attorney right now to see if we can just let the banks take them". Wow. What an attitude. What ever happened to integrity? I know the banks have messed up and been bailed out with our tax dollars, but does that make it right to go out and buy something that you can't afford because you're paying for two other properties? Gee whiz.

    And last client of the day, happens to be one of my best friends. I called her several times that day because I didn't have her tax slips. Finally got hold of her around 6:00 just as I was heading out to a class. She said she'd leave them in my mailbox. Since when do good friends drop off their tax stuff at 6:00 pm October 17th???

    OK enough ranting...just a bad day, that left me wondering where in the world is this country heading. I hope I can find some really good clients to replace these ones..ones with ethics and morals first of all!



    Monthly bookkeeping client came in Monday. Rancher. Needs some sales information for a report that he has to prepare.

    No problem, I have that information on the computer.

    Then he says I need to go through his two kids savings accounts and pick up the deposits because that is where he was putting the money.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!

    Say what?

    So now I have to advise him that he needs to amend all returns for open years to report that income. And he has already said that he won't.

    And I now have to pick up those deposits made this year when I do his return for this year.
    Jiggers, EA


      I'm with you

      Originally posted by equinecpa View Post
      I can see why our country is in such a mess.
      One came in wanting copies of personal and partnership returns for past three years. Gonna take bankruptcy, he says. Like it's nothing.

      Basically, they borrowed money, thanks to a lender who didn't do HIS job, now can't sell their product.

      But, it's ok, he says, since it is BUSINESS.

      Hello? YOU are the business. Since when is it ok to not pay ANY vendor? According to his logic, he should pay Wal-Mart, but it's ok to leave Lowe's high and dry.


      Yes, this is exactly how we got here. We won't delay gratification or pay what we owe.
      If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.



        got several frantic calls from client who couldnt make payroll THAT day and was gonna "lay off" 2 employees, what should he do? Since he pays himself almost $100K/yr suggested "loaning" money to biz at which point he got indignant and said he didnt have ANY money! In the mail that day was letter from same client informing me that he was gonna save money by having one of his office staff prepare his monthly wotk now but he would still need me to do 3 biz tax returns AND his personal return - I really felt USED! Now I'll have to decide IF I wish to continue to prepare retruns for this guy!


          Oh boy rants! My turn. Client called in a panicked state to say he had a notice from the IRS for over $1000. He paid the amount I told him so they evidently changed the return. Was there a reason given I asked? No. So I asked him to fax it to me so I could look at it. The bill was for $10. Interest and penalties. I know we deal in round numbers, but confusing $1000 with $10? And he had advance warning that there would be a bill for interest and penalties.


            So now you should send him a bill for $50 for reviewing the IRS notice.

            Maybe he will get confused again and send you $500.

            After he pays you and pays the IRS, he is STILL $490 ahead.
            "The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectful" - John Kenneth Galbraith


              Originally posted by JG EA View Post
              Oh boy rants! My turn. Client called in a panicked state to say he had a notice from the IRS for over $1000. He paid the amount I told him so they evidently changed the return. Was there a reason given I asked? No. So I asked him to fax it to me so I could look at it. The bill was for $10. Interest and penalties. I know we deal in round numbers, but confusing $1000 with $10? And he had advance warning that there would be a bill for interest and penalties.
              That is why I start doing an estimate of the penalty and interest and include that amount in the total on the voucher and cover letter.

              My software does that.

              I would rather explain the small refund than why they still owe, even though I used to tell them, in the cover letter, that the IRS will bill the penalty and interest.
              Jiggers, EA



                Originally posted by Jiggers View Post
                I would rather explain the small refund than why they still owe, even though I used to tell them, in the cover letter, that the IRS will bill the penalty and interest.
                I would rather say, "Dude, you are an idiot. It's ten bucks, not one thousand bucks."

                But, that's just ME.

                LOL. I love rant threads.
                If you loan someone $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.


                  Originally posted by luke View Post
                  got several frantic calls from client who couldnt make payroll THAT day and was gonna "lay off" 2 employees, what should he do? Since he pays himself almost $100K/yr suggested "loaning" money to biz at which point he got indignant and said he didnt have ANY money! In the mail that day was letter from same client informing me that he was gonna save money by having one of his office staff prepare his monthly wotk now but he would still need me to do 3 biz tax returns AND his personal return - I really felt USED! Now I'll have to decide IF I wish to continue to prepare retruns for this guy!
                  In a word, Luke; No.

                  he can have his employee prepare and sign returns from now on.
                  Harlan Lunsford, EA n LA


                    Is taking personal responsibility at a new low?

                    Or is it just my imagination. Never fails each year I have this client who is sorry again for being unorganized with their business and promise to be organized the next year (again). Their tax return was quite a bit heavier this year like at least twice the weight so I charged them a little extra and their response was first WHAT!. Then they calm down when I saved them income taxes on about 10 different 1099-C from CC’s. So they show up on Oct 17th and once again “I forgot my check book” (and to answer you question pay me cash, they told me they didn’t have it if you can believe that and I don’t take CC’s or debits C’s). Well I went ahead and e-filed their return and I still have not gotten paid. I had a new client come in during the summer and she forgot her check book and by golly she went home and mailed me a check the same day.

                    But it’s just not this case, I am seeing more and more clients irresponsible especially some of those that have fell on hard times (as if its my fault) and I have no trouble working with those people but “when those people confuse my kindness for what they believe is a weakness I have, now it becomes a different story”


                      Originally posted by AZ-Tax View Post
                      Or is it just my imagination. Never fails each year I have this client who is sorry again for being unorganized with their business and promise to be organized the next year (again). Their tax return was quite a bit heavier this year like at least twice the weight so I charged them a little extra and their response was first WHAT!. Then they calm down when I saved them income taxes on about 10 different 1099-C from CC’s. So they show up on Oct 17th and once again “I forgot my check book” (and to answer you question pay me cash, they told me they didn’t have it if you can believe that and I don’t take CC’s or debits C’s). Well I went ahead and e-filed their return and I still have not gotten paid. I had a new client come in during the summer and she forgot her check book and by golly she went home and mailed me a check the same day.

                      But it’s just not this case, I am seeing more and more clients irresponsible especially some of those that have fell on hard times (as if its my fault) and I have no trouble working with those people but “when those people confuse my kindness for what they believe is a weakness I have, now it becomes a different story”
                      AZ-Tax.. Do you own a smartphone? If so, Download a free app called Square. They will send you a free CC reader and it cost around 3% to run a CC. Never not get paid again!



                        Originally posted by JohnH View Post
                        So now you should send him a bill for $50 for reviewing the IRS notice.

                        Maybe he will get confused again and send you $500.

                        After he pays you and pays the IRS, he is STILL $490 ahead.
                        Good idea, but I think I should charge more. The next discussion we had right after the above was that he should get a lawyer like he saw on TV so he wouldn't have to pay such high taxes. So, maybe I'll say what Rita said instead.



                          Thanks Harlan - thats why I use this forum to vent sometimes - I let these situations "settle" down for a few days and THEN will write my "thanks but NO thanks" letter! (this idiot left me once before a few years ago and then BEGGED me to take him back..... as my attorney always says, "No good deed goes unpunished"!


                            SPANEL - that smart phone app "sound too good to be true"? I accept CC/debit card payments and have to jump thru all kinds of hoops just to be ABLE to process the cards (questionnaire about office procedures etc) - additional fees if card holder is getting "rewards" on use of his card etc more fees for "keying" info instead of swiping - I may have to upgrade to a "real" phone and give this a try! Thanks for the info!



                              I accept credit cards via QB, pretty cheap if a ProAdvisor, even though I key in the numbers and don't have a swiper. Now, I have a swiper for my iPhone that was free from QB and works with my same Intuit merchant account.

