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W-2 Box 14 "Auto". Use ProSeries tax software

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    W-2 Box 14 "Auto". Use ProSeries tax software

    With ProSeries box 14 drop down menu, no auto or any of the rest listed dont seem to relate to auto. One of the selections in drop down menu is "deductibel employee expense". Got to admit, in all my tax yrs practice, never saw this before.

    I never saw "deductibel" spelled that way either.
    Uncle Sam, CPA, EA. ARA, NTPI Fellow


      Help menu PS

      In the help menu it is stated "Most entries in box 14 of a W2 are for information only and are not used by the program".


        Does the drop down

        Originally posted by AZ-Tax View Post
        With ProSeries box 14 drop down menu, no auto or any of the rest listed dont seem to relate to auto. One of the selections in drop down menu is "deductibel employee expense". Got to admit, in all my tax yrs practice, never saw this before.
        have an item "fringe benefit"?


          I agree with the above. There would likely be special treatment if this were a code L in box 12, but is likely only for informational purposes in box 14. You would want to include Form 2106 either way, but the box 12 amounts should transfer to Line 7 (not the box 14 amnounts).

          From the W-2 instructions:
          Fringe benefits. Include all taxable fringe benefits in box 1 of Form W-2 as wages, tips, and other compensation and, if applicable, in boxes 3 and 5 as social security and Medicare wages. Although not required, you may include the total value of fringe benefits in box 14 (or on a separate statement). However, if you provided your employee a vehicle and included 100% of its annual lease value in the employee's income, you must separately report this value to the employee in box 14 (or on a separate statement). The employee can then figure the value of any business use of the vehicle and report it on Form 2106, Employee Business Expenses. Also see Pub. 15-B for more information.
          Last edited by dtlee; 10-16-2011, 01:32 PM.


            From IRS W-2 instructions for box 14, "You also may use this box for any other information that you want to give to your employee."

            An employer can put literally anything they want in there. They could use the box to indicate the employee won employee of the month in March if they so wanted. Does auto mean there's taxable fringe benefits for employee use of a business owned auto included on box 1? Maybe it means the taxpayer received reimbursement under a non-accountable plan for that amount. Maybe it means the taxpayer received reimbursement under an accountable plan for that amount. Maybe it means the W-2 was created automatically. Could be just about anything.

