As we understand it, 1099-MISC is supposed to be sent to any recipient for services. Requirement is waived if recipient is a corporation.
In our fair state, all LLCs are treated as corporations for tax purposes. The payer does not have visibility as to how the LLC files its federal return. There is no capital stock, or corporate resolutions as such, but Tennessee Dept of Revenue expects a corporate return from every LLC granted by the Secretary of State.
Is a Tennessee LLC that performs services required to be issued a 1099-MISC? I know Tennessee does not write Internal Revenue Code, but to what extent does local treatment determine this?
In our fair state, all LLCs are treated as corporations for tax purposes. The payer does not have visibility as to how the LLC files its federal return. There is no capital stock, or corporate resolutions as such, but Tennessee Dept of Revenue expects a corporate return from every LLC granted by the Secretary of State.
Is a Tennessee LLC that performs services required to be issued a 1099-MISC? I know Tennessee does not write Internal Revenue Code, but to what extent does local treatment determine this?