The credit is effective for tax years beginning after 2009. Clients fiscal year is 7-1-10 thru 6-30-11. There seems to be no info in the instructions regarding fiscal year filers. They DO meet the requirements for number of non-owner employees & wages paid.
Questions in my head:
1. Is the client eligible at all on this return? Seems like they are.
2. If they are, what period would the calculations (wages & premiums) be made on? 1-1 to 12-31 of 2010? or 7-1-10 to 6-30-11 (the fiscal year)? If the latter, what about the credit for the first 6 months of 2010? They wouldn't have been eligible for it on last year's return, because that tax year began in 2009. Right?
It doesn't feel like there should be a calendar year credit on a fiscal year return, but if not, then the credit for the first 6 months of 2010 seems to disappear.
I'm starting to feel like Vinnie Barbarino!
Questions in my head:
1. Is the client eligible at all on this return? Seems like they are.
2. If they are, what period would the calculations (wages & premiums) be made on? 1-1 to 12-31 of 2010? or 7-1-10 to 6-30-11 (the fiscal year)? If the latter, what about the credit for the first 6 months of 2010? They wouldn't have been eligible for it on last year's return, because that tax year began in 2009. Right?
It doesn't feel like there should be a calendar year credit on a fiscal year return, but if not, then the credit for the first 6 months of 2010 seems to disappear.
I'm starting to feel like Vinnie Barbarino!
