I would like to simply browse for existing scheduled tax seminars which begin in September.
Simple answer, right? Just "google up" tax seminars, or go to website of national organizations and browse to your hearts' content! Simple as that!
Have you tried this lately? When you sort through the relevant and irrelevant websites then the site makes you jump through more hoops to get the information. Some of them require you to "register" with the website and in return you are rewarded by spam forever.
Can anyone point me to a specific site or link that will enable me to browse over a wide array of different tax subjects, dates, and locations?
Simple answer, right? Just "google up" tax seminars, or go to website of national organizations and browse to your hearts' content! Simple as that!
Have you tried this lately? When you sort through the relevant and irrelevant websites then the site makes you jump through more hoops to get the information. Some of them require you to "register" with the website and in return you are rewarded by spam forever.
Can anyone point me to a specific site or link that will enable me to browse over a wide array of different tax subjects, dates, and locations?