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A shot in the dark.

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    A shot in the dark.

    This is an unusual request and I don't think I'll have much success, but I am giving it a shot.

    Luther Co Corp (an investment S-Corp my client had) closed out this year. I have records back to 1999, but he bought in in 1995. Each and every year was a small loss for him. There were no distributions and he is sure there were none during the 4 missing years. So, he would have basis left. I can estimate what the losses would be based on the years I have but.....

    Does anyone have any experience with this company in the years 1995-1998?

    Originally posted by JG EA View Post
    This is an unusual request and I don't think I'll have much success, but I am giving it a shot.

    Luther Co Corp (an investment S-Corp my client had) closed out this year. I have records back to 1999, but he bought in in 1995. Each and every year was a small loss for him. There were no distributions and he is sure there were none during the 4 missing years. So, he would have basis left. I can estimate what the losses would be based on the years I have but.....

    Does anyone have any experience with this company in the years 1995-1998?
    Doesn't he know who he paid to do those years? IRS records might help
    Believe nothing you have not personally researched and verified.


      IRS has?

      Would the IRS not have these returns and the K-1s? I think they would, except for the possibility that they may not be required to keep them beyond a certain length of time.


        All you

        need are his K-1s and original purchase price for the stock. Balance sheet someplace?? Same difference when he purchased to books??? Maybe??? When it liquidates the original difference of buy to book equity should be the only ending difference.

