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I have survived, but not sure how.

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    I have survived, but not sure how.

    Yes I did survive. But what a tax season. I work out of my home, which is a challenge. But this year we decided to move. It was supposed to be over just before tax season started. But this was a short sale, and the bank dragged their feet, and after 4 months, it closed on February 15th (the bank could have said no, even up to the closing). Well we moved on the weekend of February 19th. Well my kids actually did all the packing and moving, I am so blessed. I could not to to much I have been on a walker for about 6 months, because of a knee which has had 3 surgeries, and I have also had 4 back surgeries, as I say I am really blessed. I warned my clients that my decor would be early American, and modern BOXES. It was nice in a way, I had a real good excuse for a messy house, and my clients were extremely nice. I one time I got extremely behind processing returns, but in the end I got them all done, just a few minutes ago. With the exception that my dymo postage meter just won't work tonight. I guess that goes along with other printer and computer problems I have had. Then the other thing is my husband has had the beginning of Alzymers for several years, well the last six months he has really gone down hill. I think I spend half of my time looking for things (he lost) and I also need to spend more time with him. You should have seen him at church today, he had on my jeans, and one of his work shirts. But he was happy, so I was also. But it is very sad to see him trying to find a bible verse in the Hymnal.

    Well that is part my story, I survived, and now I am looking forward to getting settled in my new home, and finally getting a knee replacement on May 10th.

    How did your season go? better I hope. I am going out to dinner tomorrow night with my old employee, and our husbands. We used to have an office party, but since we started working out of our homes, this is our annual party and get together, we have a good time laughing about the tax season.

    Consolations on

    hubby having altzheimer's disease and all your health problems. You have a great spirit and I am sure it helps you cope.


      You are blessed as I feel I am blessed. Not done here yet. Looking forward to sleeping in Tuesday morning. I


        Originally posted by Piglee View Post
        You should have seen him at church today, he had on my jeans, and one of his work shirts. But he was happy, so I was also.
        Wow, Piglee, what a ton of challenges! And taking care of someone with dementia- I know from experience just how demanding that is. Take care of you, too!

        But I do love the quote above from your post . . . made me smile . . . and humor is so necessary to coping. All the best to you.


          You have had a tough season. You do have a great spirit and wonderful sense of humor. We need those things to cope. We have to find something to smile about to get through rough times. Hope your surgery goes well.

          Sometimes moving to a new place is hard on a person with Alzheimers. So when your husband adjusts to your new home, it may not seem as bad.

          It does seem that everything happens during tax season instead of the rest of the year.

          Well, enjoy your summer and rest up.

          Linda, EA

