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Another mileage question

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    Another mileage question

    I have been reading a bunch of the previous posts on mileage and I am still unclear for my situation.
    I am working for a financial services industry as in independant contractor.
    I am trying to determine which part of my mileage would be deductible.
    There is an office that I can go to and it is about 25 miles from my house in another town. However, I do part of my business work there and part of my business work from home.
    In the office I go to training and I also use the computer there for the financial program I also use this address on my business cards. I am only working part-time in this business and currently go to the office location once or twice a week.
    At home I do administrative work for my business such as calling clients to set appointments and bookkeeping work. I really do not have an exclusive part of the house for business currently.
    I travel from home to the clients houses for their appointments.

    1. Am I commuting when I go from home to the office?
    2. If I am commuting does it make a difference if I am just going to the office for training that is not required, but held to help grow the business?
    3. Am I able to deduct mileage from my home to my client's houses?


    From home to office, regardless of the purpose, is commuting miles.
    From home to the first business stop, on the way to see client, is commuting.
    Why don't you set up a small area in your home for the exclusive business use?
    This would turn commuting into business.


      Home office will have to be for the conveniance of the employer
      Everybody should pay his income tax with a smile. I tried it, but they wanted cash



        Originally posted by Unregistered
        I have been reading a bunch of the previous posts on mileage and I am still unclear for my situation.
        Well, you say you are an independent contractor... self-employed...

        So, I disagree with Brian's comment: "Home office will have to be for the conveniance of the employer"

        >>At home I do administrative work for my business such as calling clients to set appointments and bookkeeping work. I really do not have an exclusive part of the house for business currently.<<

        If you had a part of the house used exclusively for this self-employment, I would say you have a qualifying home office and thus all miles deducitble. But, since you don't have an exclusive area, I don't believe you have a qualifying home office, so any miles from home to the general metropolitan area you normally work in would not be deductible. But, miles from one location to another, or to a location outside your normal area would be deductible.



          I don't think he has a home office, either way

          The company provides him with office space. In order to have a deductible home office you must not have a space provided for you by the "employer", unless it is for the employer's convenience. I say no to home office deduction and miles.


            Independent Contractor

            The original post said he was working as an independent contractor. One of the companies he does some work for allows him to work in their office a couple of times a week.

            But if he is self employed, he is not an employee of that company.

            So if he had a home office, I would consider it deductible.

            Linda F


              Thanks for all the input.
              I am sure that I do not have a qualifying home office. I do hope to set one up eventually, but right now I do not have the space to use exclusively for a home office.
              We hope to buy a bigger house soon then maybe I can set up some space to use exculsively as an office.

              It sounds like the mileage that I drive anywhere in the area whether I start from home or from the office is considered commuting until I actually get to a clients house.

