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Form 8801

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    Form 8801

    My clients filed joint in 2004. In 2005 although still married they each qualify as H of H as each has a child living with them and they were in separate households for the last 8 months of the year. They have a large AMT credit. The husband originally purchased the stock option that produced the prior AMT and the credit. However soon after the purchase the stock was placed in a joint acct with his wife. So they had 50-50 ownership when it was sold in 2005. My guess is I need to go back to the 2004 return and split it creating two MFS returns and then bring each of the 8801 information forward to the H of H 2005 returns. Any thoughts?

    Mark, sounds

    like you are thinking very clearly for this time of year. The only other idea is if it could
    be split starting with the 2005 returns.



      If still married, can they file HOH?? or only MFJ or MFS?


        HOH vs MFS

        If you lived apart from your spouse for the last 6 months of the year and maintained a home for a dependent child, you can be considered single for tax purposes and file HOH. If there are two or more children and at least one child lived with each parent in a separate household, then both parents can file HOH.

