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OT: Flu-- Stay Away

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    OT: Flu-- Stay Away

    What is it that makes some people want to get out in the public with the flu? First how do they even feel like going anywhere. Second do they not think they are spreading it?

    I had a new client call today and said she could not come by today because she has the flu. But wanted to come tomorrow. Okay so are you going to be less contagious tomorrow?

    I called and told her not to come by tomorrow that I am a one person office and can not risk getting the flu. I told her to find another preparer if she wants to I understand but I just can not risk getting sick now.

    I am seriously thinking about putting a sign on the door that says:

    "If you are currently sick with the flu or have been sick in the past two weeks please call before coming in the office. For the safety of my staff (me) and other clients you need to reschedule."

    That would be all I need is to get sick going towards the end of tax season.

    Sick people showing up for appointments are my special pet peeve. Hasn't happened yet this year. First time in 3 years that I haven't struggled with either a cold or the flu during the tax season.


      The last time I had it was about 2 years ago. I got sick at the first of March I believe. I was out of the office for 2 weeks but was sick for 3 weeks. I lost a few customers because of it. I also scared a few when calling to cancel appointments. I nearly lost my voice and sounded awful.


        This happened 15 minutes ago. From the moment this client walked in until he stepped out of the door, he coughed non-stop. I can just hope I won't get sick tomorrow.


          Flip side to this

          Have that client who just feels they have to sit there and visit and visit and/or that client that drops by and wants to visit and vist......blah blah etc. Mr. Client, I have a scrathy throat, one my kids told me some one at school has "strep throat". Tax Preparer looks up....the client is gone. No, kids, try this one. Mr. Client, yea the guy just here just go over "strep throat". Tax preparer looks up, client is gone.


            I had flu woman call wanting to come by tomorrow. Haven't called her.

            Now flu man with an appointment today comes in. Tells me he has a "little flu". Not coughing up a lung but I can tell he is sick. I keep standing and try to get about 5 ft from him. He is standing there going through all his stuff. I told him just to leave it. He keeps saying I don't know where nothing is. Four huge envelopes and a handful of receipts.

            I told him to leave it and I would do an an extension. I was like "get out of here".

            After he left I spread Lysol all over the room, wash my hands, then used hand sanitizer. Oh well here I am crossing my fingers I won't get sick. Avoided one just for another one to come in

