Little Bitta This -- Little Bitta That...
The late-season, cheapskate, junk-case, price shoppers started drifting in this week. Yesterdays':
I've just got a couple of a W-2s and a few other things. What would you charge for it?
Un-huh. Well, first...let me look at it. Okay, here's the W-2s and...what's this?
Oh, that's the farm.
I see. And this?
Well, I had a small side business, but I closed it up and started selling Avon a little later. I did travel some for that second one -- can't I get some mileage expense? I drove to Jasper's Jumpoff a lot except during July and some of October and December when I went every other Monday and Thursday, unless things were slow.
This place -- how far off it it and how many trips and miles did you drive?
I don't have any idea.
Anything else?
Well, actually I worked in Illinois -- that's this W-2 here -- during the first part of the year before moving down here and sub-renting out my apartment up there. But can't I just put everything on the Arkansas form? There's no need to do two, is there?
Lady, you've got some complex, time-consuming tax work here and I don't have time to get into anything like this before April 18th. I'll get you an extension if you want one.
Oh, I don't like to file my taxes late! I'll just have to look around. Thank you. Goodbye.
The late-season, cheapskate, junk-case, price shoppers started drifting in this week. Yesterdays':
I've just got a couple of a W-2s and a few other things. What would you charge for it?
Un-huh. Well, first...let me look at it. Okay, here's the W-2s and...what's this?
Oh, that's the farm.
I see. And this?
Well, I had a small side business, but I closed it up and started selling Avon a little later. I did travel some for that second one -- can't I get some mileage expense? I drove to Jasper's Jumpoff a lot except during July and some of October and December when I went every other Monday and Thursday, unless things were slow.
This place -- how far off it it and how many trips and miles did you drive?
I don't have any idea.
Anything else?
Well, actually I worked in Illinois -- that's this W-2 here -- during the first part of the year before moving down here and sub-renting out my apartment up there. But can't I just put everything on the Arkansas form? There's no need to do two, is there?
Lady, you've got some complex, time-consuming tax work here and I don't have time to get into anything like this before April 18th. I'll get you an extension if you want one.
Oh, I don't like to file my taxes late! I'll just have to look around. Thank you. Goodbye.