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The Tax Book

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    The Tax Book

    I just finished looking over the sample of The Tax Book and I LIKE it.

    Some of the things I like:
    1. Tab 4 - Itemized Deductions - FMV Guide for Used Items. How many times have clients asked us what they should deduct for the items they gave to SA or Goodwill !!.
    2. A separate tab for where to file. I had a hard time finding that in last years QF book. It was on the back of one of the tabs, but I always forgot which one.
    3. I like being able to have 1040 and business in one book.
    4. I always appreciate the examples that are in the book.

    My only complaint is the printing. It is small, looks like Times New Roman, and is light. My suggestions would be a font like what we see here on the message board and a little darker.

    But all in all, a great book! Can't wait to get my copy. Oh, I need to order it first don't I?


    PS: It is good to see all the 'old' people on this board. I haven't checked in for a while, but I'm back.

    Give us your opinions.

    Originally posted by Linda F
    My only complaint is the printing. It is small, looks like Times New Roman, and is light. My suggestions would be a font like what we see here on the message board and a little darker.
    Thanks for the feedback. We will start sending some of the 2005 tax year sections to print later in September. Before we commit on a font size, I would like to know from others who received copies of our 2004 sample tab.

    Is the font too small to read, or is it just different than Quickfinder?

    Due to limited page counts, we are trying to increase the words per page over Quickfinder so that we can present more information. The question is; did we go too far? Would you prefer a larger font with less information, or is the font size acceptable as is?

    It’s not too late to change at this point. Since we haven’t actually printed our 2005 books, now is the time to give us your opinions on how you want things to look in the book. You can openly discuss these issues on this message board.


      font size

      Haven't received any copy of the 2004 sample tab, but what size font are you planning on using? What size font did the QF use?


        Font Size

        Brad, the font size might be alright if you could just make it darker.



          I was pleased with the font

          I have to admit that I found, and even commented to a colleague, the print choices easier on the eye in The TaxBook prototype than in QF. I find the mix of fonts in the other product a bit jarring and like that these seem more harmonious and easier on the eye.

          If they went a bit darker, that would be fine, but I'm happy with the current choices and appreciate the additional material it allows.

          In case it matters, I am over 50 and have the usual problems reading smaller print.


            Sample Book

            Thanks for the feedback. We will start sending some of the 2005 tax year sections to print later in September. Before we commit on a font size, I would like to know from others who received copies of our 2004 sample tab.

            Is the font too small to read, or is it just different than Quickfinder?
            Received the sample book and I am really looking forward to having both individual and business in one book and not having duplications in two books. Actually I now have many of the "Books" due to the issuance of various topics.

            While I know worksheets are important, maybe a poll needs to be taken. How many of us actually use manual worksheets anymore. I have most all worksheets available on some other computer programs and rarely use what has been published in the "Book". Maybe a few of the worksheets then could just be incorporated within that Tab number, that would help to save space. Such as some of the business entity worksheets.

            The font in the sample seems a little smaller, but also lighter. For those of us over the age of 40 when our eyesight starts to change, it is a little harder to read. I am comparing the "sample" to the "old book". Maybe text should be just a little darker. Seems like the examples and comments are printed just a little darker(slightly different font) that would be good for the regular text and maybe change the font on the examples and comments to have them stand out separately. I don't necessarily want to sacrifice print size (font) for less information.

            I really like the cross references at the beginning of each deduction. Seems we can never really commit to memory all of those Pub #'s let alone the IRC #'s.

            Also at the beginning of each tab and the quick reference is really a nice feature. Now we won't have to flip pages and pages, we can just go to the Tab reference for common questions.

            The team at The Tax Book appears to have put a lot of thought into this new book, and I am really looking forward to receiving the final edition as well as the All States edition.



              Love worksheets

              I use worksheets all the time. They help me think through a problem. They also really help when in a client's file. I can look at it and immediately remember what the issues were for that return.



                JG your input is important. It was just a thought to save space. I use the business worksheets out of the "Other Book" but rarely use the individual worksheets out of the "other book". Did you receive the sample Book? If so, what are your thoughts?

                I also use worksheets for my file copies , but most of mine are now computerized using CFS and a couple of other programs.

                Last edited by S T; 08-06-2005, 01:50 AM.


                  Thanks for the input. Keep it coming. We are listening.

                  Gene, I’m not sure the name of the font because I am not in the office with the layout editor at the moment, but I know it is one of those that is easier on the eyes. It has the little feet things on the letters to make it easier to read. The Quickfinder has used Helvetica and Arial since 1987 because of its efficiency and the number of words you could cram on a page, but sometimes you could not tell the difference between an L and an I or a 1.

                  The size in our new book is still 9 point as Quickfinder, but sizes are not necessarily the same from font to font. I will ask the printer about darkness issues.

                  I am 48 and wear bifocals. I thought about the readability issue too, but I wasn’t sure how others felt. I am used to reading the fine print in the code books all day long so I’m not sure I trust my own judgment on the size issue.

                  As to worksheets, that too is being considered. Quickfinder worksheets date back to when we did everything by hand. Re-printing the same worksheets you see in the 1040 instruction booklet might not be very efficient because our software already does that. None of the worksheets were in the Tab 4 sample tab, but my idea for the new book is to make the worksheets a combination worksheet for compliance and planning. For example, maybe run two columns instead of one so you can do the 2005 calculation for the 2005 return, plus use it to do your 2006 estimates for estimated tax purposes. Also, we would provide short cut calculations where we could make the worksheet faster and easier than the long and drawn out computations you sometimes see in IRS worksheets.

                  For example, NOLs are basically business income minus business deductions. But IRS has you first start with all income and subtract out personal items. Why? There is a shorter way of doing things, and those are the kind of things I would want to see in the book, rather than just re-gurgitate the IRS worksheets you already have in your software.
                  Last edited by Brad Imsdahl; 08-09-2005, 10:59 AM. Reason: spelling


                    Font Size

                    I didn't have trouble with the font size although a little larger wouldn't hurt. I do think the type should be darker.



                      The TaxBook

                      Hey I ordered the combined business and 1040 book. How do I get the samples?


                        Originally posted by Kurly
                        Hey I ordered the combined business and 1040 book. How do I get the samples?
                        Send me an email with your name and mailing address.


                        I will send you a 2004 tax year sample of Tab 4, itemized deductions, along with a survey for you to give us your feedback.


                          Originally posted by S T
                          JG your input is important. It was just a thought to save space. I use the business worksheets out of the "Other Book" but rarely use the individual worksheets out of the "other book". Did you receive the sample Book? If so, what are your thoughts?

                          I also use worksheets for my file copies , but most of mine are now computerized using CFS and a couple of other programs.

                          No, I didn't receive the sample. But I did order a book already. Yes, I also like the CFS worksheets. One of my favorite worksheets is an old installment sale worksheet from NATP. I think CFS has one, but I really like installment sales and love doing that worksheet. I think I like it so much because it's cut and dried unlike other things in tax preparation.


                            Sample Book

                            JG, See Brad's post above. Email him and they will send you the sample TB. I can't wait to receive the final product.




                              I, too, wear bifocals and just ordered a 17-inch screen since the 15-inch is causing too much effort.

                              I didn't have any problems with the fond and I would like to have worksheets in the book. Serves also as a reminder for me. Mailed back the feedback already.

