I read the post that HUD advises "Our Org Charge" are deductible but normally amortized and TTB 4-12 has all these qualifers on whether Org Charge can be a current yr deductible or amortized. One of the qualifiers is: "6 )The funds cannot have been borrowed from the lender or mortgage broker". On the HUD the org charge ($2057) appears in neither the buyer or seller column but within the column after the words: Our origination charge. Does this mean the Org Charge was financed or paid in cash by borrower? UPDATE: upon futher look, I see the same amt of $2057 under the "buyers" column a few rows down as: your adj org charges.
Another qaulifer TTB 4-12: 9) The points are clearly shown on the settlement statement as points charged for the mortgage. Points in box 2 of form 1098 dont match any amt on the HUD. I am wondering if the Org Charge includes the $1000 of pts.
Another qaulifer TTB 4-12: 9) The points are clearly shown on the settlement statement as points charged for the mortgage. Points in box 2 of form 1098 dont match any amt on the HUD. I am wondering if the Org Charge includes the $1000 of pts.