Mother (unmarried) owns house and pays all household expenses and has highest AGI.
Son age 30 lives with mother, but earnings over $3,200, so does not qualify.
Married daughter, who is separated from husband more than last 6 months of the year lives with Mother and has two children. Daughters earnings are $28,000. Daughter filed return HOH, claiming two daughters, CTC, EIC. She does not contribute to the household expenses.
Question can daughter file as HOH when she isn't providing more than half the cost of maintaining the home, the Mother(grandmother) is. Is there any way to qualify the Mother(grandmother) for HOH?
Son age 30 lives with mother, but earnings over $3,200, so does not qualify.
Married daughter, who is separated from husband more than last 6 months of the year lives with Mother and has two children. Daughters earnings are $28,000. Daughter filed return HOH, claiming two daughters, CTC, EIC. She does not contribute to the household expenses.
Question can daughter file as HOH when she isn't providing more than half the cost of maintaining the home, the Mother(grandmother) is. Is there any way to qualify the Mother(grandmother) for HOH?