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It's that time of year -- SOFTWARE...

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    It's that time of year -- SOFTWARE...

    Last year I renewed my current software {TRX - as in}. The version I use is sold by Red Gear / TaxWorks. Thoughts??

    Last year they offered a business manager free with renewal. Some good features but NOT integrated -- Talk about WT ??

    Anyway - I just downloaded Drake - Looking at it. I know this comes up every year for discussion and I figured we could get into it BEFORE the season starts and we're not forced to renew at discounted rates at the last minute. The plan is to review during tax season and make a good decision based on your input and actually using the software.

    Their support this year is TERRIBLE! Wrong information, 30 minute hold times. You get what you pay for - True statement. I normally do NOT require support too often {lucky}. I was told the BM software from TRX would work with the Scan Snap S1500. I told them it was NOT Twain complient. They said that's okay. Guess what - It does NOT see it at all... Nice...

    I pay $300 for 1040 package with all States & E-FIle included. I told you - I'm a cheap SOB. I only prepare about 140 returns a year. Trying to grow the business {on top of my full time gig}... Jumping to $1,500 is a big jump but .... Again, apples to apples.

    So, how do we compare??

    Let's answer these questions if you would be so kind...

    1) Software Name
    2) How long used?
    3) Why do you like it?
    4) Price includes e-file?
    5) Price includes multi-state (I need at least 4 [NJ-NY-PA-VA - maybe CO]).?
    6) Are business forms included {I do not do too many - 1065 & 1120s}.?
    7) Are business e-files included?
    8) Does it make coffee / toast?
    9) You get the idea...

    Thanks again for the assist.... Have a great weekend...
    I'm sick as a dog today - not looking forward to another day like this...
    Last edited by MAJ; 01-27-2011, 10:14 PM.
    Matthew Jones
    Tax Preparation
    Computer Consultant

    Tax Season is here!
    Make sure everything is working, extra ink or toner is available, Advil in top drawer!


    I downgraded from ProSeries Professional to ProSeries Basic a few years back. I was paying the $1200 annually but I realized I didn't need all of the bells and whistles.

    For $800 Proseries Basic offers:
    - unlimited 1040 returns (excluding NOLs and 1040NR)
    - unlimited efile
    - 4 states - unlimited
    - additional states about $20 per - didn't look at this years prices
    - ability to use Proseries Professional Pay Per Return for 1065's and 1120S's - $52

    It's well worth the price.


      Software - ProSeries Basic

      ProSeries is in my radar... I hear {marketing} their talk of 10 sec hold for support. Don't use it often but would consider if I knew I wasn't going to be on hold.... Hmm..

      Does the Basic / Pro have any contact manager? If so, who do you like it..

      Pros / Cons of the software
      Matthew Jones
      Tax Preparation
      Computer Consultant

      Tax Season is here!
      Make sure everything is working, extra ink or toner is available, Advil in top drawer!


        Still too early for me to decide, but I am right now trying to figure out which software to use for 2012 myself. I am currently a Drake user and can provide the following:

        1) Software Name: Drake Software
        2) How long used? 12 years
        3) Why do you like it? It generally allows me to prepare the tax return and does not foolishly choose options automatically. Data Entry is Quick. Support is the pleasantest, and quickest of all software companies. Many of their first level support people are quite knowledgeable about taxes as well as the software; a good number of these and their developers and testers are Enrolled Agents or CPAs. It is a big plus not to have to explain the tax rules to the support agent when you need technical help.
        4) Price includes e-file? Yes
        5) Price includes multi-state (I need at least 4 [NJ-NY-PA-VA - maybe CO]).? Yes
        6) Are business forms included {I do not do too many - 1065 & 1120s}.? Yes
        7) Are business e-files included? Yes
        8) Does it make coffee / toast? No, but they do provide a Client Write-up program with their tax software. They support importing of some W-2s and can interface with a barcode reader for W-2s.
        9) You get the idea...
        I have had a major issue with them trying to be "more automatic" in recent years and in that way taking over tax preparation from me; especially when they overinterpret the rules (read that as misinterpret). For example, they compute the amount of what constitutes a State tax refund according to the opinion of an IRS Senior Technical Specialist despite letter rulings and advisory opinions which contradict it. Since they will not allow me to override their incorrectly computed number, I must compute the taxable amount of the New York State Refunds for over half of my clients by hand (actually using a worksheet I built). I have TaxWorks on the Pay Per Return plan for this year because I have given up fighting with them over the automatic processes Drake is addiing. The handwriting is on the wall. Non Drake customers want more things to be automatic. As they try to appeal to new customers, the reasons why I like the software will disappear.

        Despite the above, I still consider them to currently be the most responsive vendor I have dealt with. While I would have given up trying to get software changes sooner with Intuit or Lacerte, the fact that Drake is generally so customer-focused makes me expend more time and energy than I would if the interaction were hopeless from the start. For example, they automated when the box on Form 8863, line 13 (line 15 last year) was checked (more hated tax preparation by my software vendor) which forced me to paper file a couple of returns last year (since there was no way to check this box in the software because it was so automatic and they had not considered the situations I had). I spent a lot of time trying to coax a fix last year and was unsuccessful. This year I questioned why it was not fixed in the off season and they fixed it within a week. I would have given up after the first call with most vendors.

        There is a huge learning curve with this software and I admit that I am still learning techniques that were there probably when I started using it. There are quirks in the program that can drive you batty as well as features that are rare (if not nonexistent) in other programs. For example, their macro capability allows you to customize the way you want the program to operate. You can run a macro at the start of every return to set certain options or dates without having to hunt all over for these every time. They are well integrated with a Dymo LabelWriter not only for printing client mailing labels, but also for file folder labels and even IRS and State address labels specific for that client.

        Support for their state programs is not consistent. Some states are quite good (New York is one of those) but others leave a bit to be desired. I have seen tremendous strides in improving the state support over the years, but, for example, in last year's software if you indicated that a taxpayer was a part year resident of multiple states, the taxpayer could not be also be considered a nonresident of Arizona. Yes. There are workarounds, but sometimes these are a bit clunky and it can be very frrustrating to figure out since you would never guess that the software requires that a taxpayer with income from Arizona who moved from State A to State B had to move into or out of Arizona.

        Some very complex and less common scenarios must be handled outside the software and then the results entered where appropriate within the program. Also, I believe that Drake works best with a preparer who knows what the laws are and how they should be reflected in a return. While the software does have quite a few worksheets, there are times when the preparer must make the decision. This is a dual edged sword. While ProSeries, UltraTax and some others will decide which education benefit is best for you, they often make the incorrect assumption that the amount eligible for one is the same amount eligible for all and also will not take into account that you may want to forego the AOC or Hope credit in year 1 since that year generally is comprised of only one semester. In most cases (other than my complaints above), Drake gives guidance but relies on the preparer to know the law and how to apply it.

        Just for kicks here are some approximate statistics from my calls this year for Drake and for TaxWorks:

        Support Calls to Drake: 12
        Average wait time: 2 seconds or less
        Number of calls with unacceptable results (attitude, problems or wrong information): 0
        Personal opinion of the quality of the support received: Excellent, though sometimes requiring several calls to completely resolve an issue where a software change was required and one response was contradicted by other support staff. (You would think I would have counted this last item as an unacceptable result, but I suspect that they may have made two calls to the department of revenue and gotten two contradictory answers...thus the contradicted answer may have been as good as it could have been even though ultimately incorrect, Plus they get kudos for checking again when it seemed wrong.)

        Support Calls to TaxWorks: 5
        Average Wait time: 14 minutes
        Number of calls with unacceptable results (attitude, problems or wrong information): 1
        Personal opinion of the quality of the representative: Good, though several calls were required for one issue and one overzealous rep crippled my PC accidentally (I hope it was accidental).

        I am also very interested in what others may think of their software.

        Incidentally, I am hearing that TaxWorks support was handling issues with a problematic update which caused their call queues to get severely backed up. Thus, my long wait times may not be indicative of what one might normally expect. Two recent calls were answered on the first ring.
        Last edited by dtlee; 01-29-2011, 05:35 PM. Reason: clarification


          I am using 1040 Works (Red Gear). I had signed up for TRX this year, and really liked the program, but was getting second thoughts. So I signed up for the 1040 Works with Red Gear, their 695.00 version and PUP for others (I am 99% 1040 work) The Same program that TRX sells. I got the program in early December, their conversion program was available, long before TRX version was available. Their Support has been great. If you already like TRX, this would be a quick and easy change for you.

          Before this I had used Drake, they are a very good program, and their support is great. 1040 Works and Drake have similar input styles. But I feel that I like 1040 works better. There were some things that I miss in Drake, but I seeing some things I like better in 1040 Works.

          Good luck on your decision, not an easy one.


            Aww...Nice to be missed... BUT

            What is it that you missed about Drake? Curious...
            What are some of the things you like about 1040 works...
            C'mon throw me a bone... Help take the guess work out..

            One thing I did like about TaxAct (so many years ago) was they had a click & print FAFSA form for the clients. TRX has something but support can't tell me how to access it or say it's for the more expensive version... Then why do I see it? To tease me?

            Who else does FAFSA paperwork for their clients? If so, what do you charge (if I may be sooooooooo bold)...

            Originally posted by Piglee View Post
            I am using 1040 Works (Red Gear). I had signed up for TRX this year, and really liked the program, but was getting second thoughts. So I signed up for the 1040 Works with Red Gear, their 695.00 version and PUP for others (I am 99% 1040 work) The Same program that TRX sells. I got the program in early December, their conversion program was available, long before TRX version was available. Their Support has been great. If you already like TRX, this would be a quick and easy change for you.

            Before this I had used Drake, they are a very good program, and their support is great. 1040 Works and Drake have similar input styles. But I feel that I like 1040 works better. There were some things that I miss in Drake, but I seeing some things I like better in 1040 Works.

            Good luck on your decision, not an easy one.
            Matthew Jones
            Tax Preparation
            Computer Consultant

            Tax Season is here!
            Make sure everything is working, extra ink or toner is available, Advil in top drawer!



              I do FAFSA forms for clients, but only the Tax Portion and then review what they have inputted for the numereous other pages. After all I have a lot f their financial info or tax info, but not all of their info.
              Parents and/or students need to participate-they will usually give me their sign in/passwords I access the FAFSA form - fill out what portion I can, and then I "pdf" any documents they need to attach to or send in.

              So I try to make it as easy as I can form them, but it is group participation.
              Charges are based on hourly rate and how much I have to complete. I only do a handful each year.

              Something I read a few days ago, was that FAFSA online and the applications are now suppose to be less confusing and more user friendly - so we will see.



                OK, a few bones.

                1. After the conversion, I compared Drake to 1040 Works. (I also did this during the summer, putting in my clients from scratch). I discovered that Drake had made some errors, they were mostly small, and few, but Works, was right on all of them.

                2. Both Drake and Works have basically the worksheet input. But Works, is more form oriented. It is easier to know where you are.

                3. Drake sometimes it is impossible to figure out how to input something. You call Drake and they will tell you how (impossible to figure out some of the problems without calling Drake). I had a notebook, and I did a print screen and wrote notes on it, so next time I would remember how to do it. With Works, I have not yet come across an entry I could not figure out myself.

                4. Drake does have a really good forum (like this one), I really miss it. But I discovered that Works is working on getting one set up.

                5. Both supports have been real good. Drake always answers within a minute. Works has also been good, one time I did get a message that there were 14 calls in ahead of me. It was a Monday morning, so I hung up and 3 hours later, got right in.

                6.With both you get the program delivered in early December.

                7. With Drake you can mark an entry as an estimate, and it will remind you. Works, does not have that in the 1040 Works program.

                8. With Works you can very easy make another copy of the return and pay "What If" with.

                9. Both have a opening list of clients in your computer. Drake did have a feature where you could make it private, so if you were set up so your client sees the screen, they do not see who your other clients are.

                10. Works is cheaper (if you don't do many 1165's and 1120"s.

                11. Works tech support hours work better for where I live.

                12. Drake has a free Document Manager. It is good. But with Works, I can use Paper Port and get the same results.

                I wish I could see your list of questions. I will check and see if I can think of anything else.


                  Now that's what I'm talking about... Real life....


                  1. Nice - How many of said we're going to do that!! Kudos!
                  2. Good to know.. I'm a forms guy. But like the brains behind the CPU much mo betta!
                  3. Very good to know, thank you. I don't want new software to have to relearn, rethink. Part of the upgrade is to improve CRM abilities as well because I sometimes have CRS. The TRX business mgmt have mass email as well as SMS abilities but keeps the content {not received}. I'm an IT Engineer so I appreciate something with current abilities. I communicate with certain clients numerous times per year. TXT has been a great tool. Can even TXT to E-Mail so the conversation is maintained for Dumb Dillegence, sorry Due. Then there's that CRS too. You didn't forget right?
                  4. Forums are great.. Have their guys talk to TaxBooks guys soes they can works out a deal!
                  7. Important. Has that in old software - miss it.
                  8. Like copies - I like what if's for forecasting too..
                  10. Cheaper is good. I'm not paying alot now. $299 all states with e-file. Includes business returns but no e-file. Larger package is $699

                  I'm going to go and play at 1040 Works and look around...

                  Thank you...

                  Originally posted by Piglee View Post
                  OK, a few bones.

                  1. After the conversion, I compared Drake to 1040 Works. (I also did this during the summer, putting in my clients from scratch). I discovered that Drake had made some errors, they were mostly small, and few, but Works, was right on all of them.

                  2. Both Drake and Works have basically the worksheet input. But Works, is more form oriented. It is easier to know where you are.

                  3. Drake sometimes it is impossible to figure out how to input something. You call Drake and they will tell you how (impossible to figure out some of the problems without calling Drake). I had a notebook, and I did a print screen and wrote notes on it, so next time I would remember how to do it. With Works, I have not yet come across an entry I could not figure out myself.

                  4. Drake does have a really good forum (like this one), I really miss it. But I discovered that Works is working on getting one set up.

                  5. Both supports have been real good. Drake always answers within a minute. Works has also been good, one time I did get a message that there were 14 calls in ahead of me. It was a Monday morning, so I hung up and 3 hours later, got right in.

                  6.With both you get the program delivered in early December.

                  7. With Drake you can mark an entry as an estimate, and it will remind you. Works, does not have that in the 1040 Works program.

                  8. With Works you can very easy make another copy of the return and pay "What If" with.

                  9. Both have a opening list of clients in your computer. Drake did have a feature where you could make it private, so if you were set up so your client sees the screen, they do not see who your other clients are.

                  10. Works is cheaper (if you don't do many 1165's and 1120"s.

                  11. Works tech support hours work better for where I live.

                  12. Drake has a free Document Manager. It is good. But with Works, I can use Paper Port and get the same results.

                  I wish I could see your list of questions. I will check and see if I can think of anything else.
                  Matthew Jones
                  Tax Preparation
                  Computer Consultant

                  Tax Season is here!
                  Make sure everything is working, extra ink or toner is available, Advil in top drawer!



                    Some of the reasons I'm sticking with Drake is one-price-covers-it all.
                    I can e-file Forms 1040, 1041,1120, 1120S, & 1065

                    I comes with a program that keeps track of monthly, quarterly and annual payroll data for Forms W-2, 941 & 940 and automatically creates the forms from the data you input.
                    You can e-file W-2s with Drake
                    You can also e-file 1099s and avoid printing on those red, scanable forms.
                    Most questions can be answered by posting on the forum, and you get quick response for those that can't be handled thru the forum.

                    If I only filed 1040s, I might consider some other software.


                      Thanks for sharing your experiences.

                      I have just had another TaxWorks call picked up on the first ring, so the earlier problems (especially the 43 minute wait with 4 callers ahead of me) were apparently an anomaly.
                      Originally posted by Piglee View Post
                      1. After the conversion, I compared Drake to 1040 Works. (I also did this during the summer, putting in my clients from scratch). I discovered that Drake had made some errors, they were mostly small, and few, but Works, was right on all of them.

                      3. Drake sometimes it is impossible to figure out how to input something. You call Drake and they will tell you how (impossible to figure out some of the problems without calling Drake). I had a notebook, and I did a print screen and wrote notes on it, so next time I would remember how to do it. With Works, I have not yet come across an entry I could not figure out myself.
                      Relative to these two comments, I have already been stymied twice for how to enter something in TaxWorks. It turns out that they (like Drake) have a way to force a zero to a field that they want to compute incorrectly. When I called on this, they also indicated that they would add the error I was trying to correct to their list of issues to be addressed (presumably some day) without my asking.

                      However, of the 2009 returns I have redone in TaxWorks, two initially gave different results than Drake and in both cases Drake was correct. One I was able to everntually override as indicated above. The other was a North Carolina return and from my testing, Drake does know their home state returns better than most of their competitors. I need to make a follow-up call to find out how to fix this. There may not be a way.

                      I have a tendency to be a bit anal about checking the returns, so if the return was done wrong by Drake (and I allowed it to be wrong), I consider it to be something I did wrong. In my comment above, Drake software allowed anyone who was not a dependent and not reporting Kiddie Tax to get the refundable AOC credit. If that happened on one of my returns and the taxpayer was not really eligible, I would have hopefully caught it (I caught two). In the 2009 TaxWorks software, they make the decision for the preparer based on the preparer's entry of Earned Income and the preparer's entry of amount support "that the taxpayer provided for him / herself during the year," which would also likely lead to the software inappropriately allowing the credit in some situations where it would not be valid. I would hopefully catch those errors, too.
                      Last edited by dtlee; 01-29-2011, 04:11 PM.



                        Go with Pro Series. I am in my second year with them and the support over the last two years has been excellent. Plus there are so many time saving features than other software providers. You will not go wrong with Pro Series. For 1,200 it is more than worth it for Pro Series Professional version. I can't believe I didn't changed sooner. I have been able to help so many more clients with the automated calculations and worksheets that don't come with Taxwise. I will never go back and I plan on staying with Pro Series for many many many years!




                          are 1040 Works and Tax Works the same program or different ones?



                            Originally posted by oceanlovin'ea View Post
                            are 1040 Works and Tax Works the same program or different ones?

                            My understanding is that 1040 Works does not include all of the features of TaxWorks but are based on the same basic tax preparation tools.


                              I also use 1040 Works

                              Originally posted by Piglee View Post
                              I am using 1040 Works (Red Gear). I had signed up for TRX this year, and really liked the program, but was getting second thoughts. So I signed up for the 1040 Works with Red Gear, their 695.00 version and PUP for others (I am 99% 1040 work) The Same program that TRX sells. I got the program in early December, their conversion program was available, long before TRX version was available. Their Support has been great. If you already like TRX, this would be a quick and easy change for you.

                              Before this I had used Drake, they are a very good program, and their support is great. 1040 Works and Drake have similar input styles. But I feel that I like 1040 works better. There were some things that I miss in Drake, but I seeing some things I like better in 1040 Works.

                              Good luck on your decision, not an easy one.
                              Last year was my first year with the program Piglee and I absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the price and the quick learning curve. The company transferred all of my files from Taxslayer, which I had used for 10 years, and I had no problems. I, too, am about 99% 1040 and found that from input to e-file, I was happy. I love their invoice screen for prices and found that I actually had been missing some charges that could have earned me a bit more money. I got all of that fixed and had a much better tax season. The $299 was a long way from the approximately $850 I was paying for Taxslayer. In addition, I was using few of what TS offered for the price. When I learned better, I did better.

                              I found Customer Service to be great. I enjoy the Webinars and found that I rarely had to call CS, but when I did, I always got a kind voice on the other end. All in all I like that it affords me forms that I actually use at a more reasonable price. I have not used the document manager that's icluded for us this year, but once I slow down a bit, I will attend a webinar that gives me more background info.

                              I really like 1040 Works which works off the TAXWORKS platform I believe. It's not the same program as I was ledto believe it was last year. This was an effort to get me not to buy the program. I have no regrets and have never looked back.You gave a good overview of this product. I am glad you like it as much as I do.


